I once heard in a prayer given by a slightly older brother "... and thank you for this wonderful penis" - I shit you not.
slip of the tongue of elder
by DannyBloem 40 Replies latest watchtower bible
Wasanelder Once
Semi literate reader read sentence in Rev book, "and brothers Knorr and Franz left the U.S. on a world "cycling" tour. (Circling)
One brother read "Tabernacle" as Tableknackers.
Another brother read that "Mosey came down from the mountain to the Israelites with the two tablets."
Enough already.
hemp lover
i heard a speaker once say " jehovah shitting on this throne" ..
Perhaps he was just doing his Sean Connery impression.
One elder in a public talk mentioned the "Blue Bonnet Plague" at least three times. All heads in the audience turned each time he said it.
Fats -
My little brother had a Bible reading at about age 6 and read to "not severely circumcize the older men" instead of criticize. Gave me ammo for years.
It was always funny when we got near the end of the OT, and we were about to read Habbakuk". "Kuk" is norwegian for "cock". Everyone giggle giggle...oh joy, some humour in with all the boredom.
How about in a prayer, asking for forgiveness for our "falling shorts" (shortcomings?)
We had one elder who kept proclaiming that Jesus gained immorality.
Once heard a speaker ask the audience to "turn with me please to Jack Daniel chapter...verse...". Never did hear the chapter and verse.
Axel -
One that should make Crumpet and Bull01Lay laugh, as they know both the MS and the locality:
One guy stating the Field Service arrangements for the week announced the territory for the Cromford rude grope, instead of the Cromford Road Group.