This forum is a blessing to my life in more ways than I can count. I know that I am loved. I have seen it in action. People on this forum have responded in RL to my needs in ways I couldn't expect from my blood relatives. I feel safer here than anywhere else in my life, although I am working to change my life so this won't be true anymore. Here, I feel understood and wanted. I feel respected and appreciated.
And even if I didn't, I would still feel that for the people who post.
You have triumphed over a serious stumbling block and are living life now, instead of slaving now while waiting for life to be made nice for you later. Or you are struggling to reach that point. Or you are still trapped by that thinking, still waiting for the rantings of a confessed drunkard (Rutherford) to prove true soon. Or you never were trapped by this religion yourself and you are reaching into this dark void to help strangers or to gain understanding for helping someone you know.
What happens here is amazing to me. LeftBehind, crazies, myself and so many others have benefitted from having a release, a vent, a place to learn where to start looking, assurance that we are not alone in finding the teachings out of sync with reality, a shocking dip into the reality that existed outside of JW life, an opportunity to interact in a more real world way with others whose opinions are not ruled by the latest Questions From Readers article, where a certain magazine saying something does not make it true.
For all of these reasons and many more, I love and care for people here.