Any elders you know remarry?

by sinis 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • sinis

    Well, I remember this goofy elder in the local KH I used to attend. One elder in particular was a real piece of work. His poor handicapped wife, who was extremely nice, was ruled by him with an iron hand. He was such a prick. I remember going over to there house once for dinner. My wife starts talking to his wife, asking about there house, etc. and she starts talking about how she had a lot of land given to her by her family and she sold it to pay for the house, etc. and was immediatly cut off by him. I know everyones finances are there own business but that was not called for. You could tell she liked nice things, and in fact she grew up in a wealthy family, though you would never know by her sweet attitude, but her elder husband made them live like paupers. There tv must have been 50 years old. So we are over there for dinner and he wips out a movie from 1940, which is his favorite We had brought movies, which were not bad (one was pg 13), just had some action. You could tell she wanted to watch them, but he put his foot down. So in a nut shell that was the last time we went over there.

    She passed a couple of years ago. Well he re marrys a woman from Mexico who CANNOT speak a freakin' lick of english. My wife said that he watches her like a hawk at the meetings and when talking with her (my wife speaks spanish) she said that her husband bought her the EXACT same car (color, model, etc.) that he had, even though she kept telling him she didn't want it. Then my wife said she caught him checking out other sisters during the meeting. I'm like WTF?!? This guy is an elder and is blatantly a fruit cake.

    I guess I will never understand the mentality of some JW's.

    Here's another one. The PO of the cong I used to attend had a very sickly wife. He and his wife were very sweet and would go out of there way to help anyone. Anyway, his wife dies and he is left on his own. Lo and behold her comes a sister who my family has known well. She used to be married into a VERY wealthy snobby family (I had the honor of dating a member of this family before I realized I needed to bail). Well she sees this as the perfect opportunity to get her life long dream, this brother. She marries him and promises him the world. Mind you he has 3 or 4 kids from his previous marriage, some as young as 16 years old. The minute they get married, she forces him to kick out all of his kids, including the underage ones. She then forces him to sell there old house. She also forces him to throw away all things related to his previous wife. She forces him to go to another congregation (this is the congregation she used to attend when married into the snob family, and they still attended this cong). His kids were so pissed at him that they moved out on there own (they were regular pioneers before all this happened and didn't have the means to support themselves - what a wake up call) I will not talk to him. Yet, he is Mr. elder and she is elderette at there new hall. I really do not know how he can live with himself. I could never betray blood.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I remember one brother who's wife passed and within 6 months he was hitched. As a matter of fact I think 6 months to a year is the standard waiting time for a brother to find another wife. 1 CO I knew explained it away by saying that the newly widowed brother has needs and its better to marry sooner than to wait and let your yearnings run away with you.

  • sinis

    Here's another. A brother got married to an "unbeliever" and was DF'd for not obeying jehober. He gets divorced. He then found a study in service and was trying to get this girl baptized ASAP so that he could marry her. She ended up dumping his ass a few months later and DF'd - not sure why. He then gets remarried again to another sister. His brother was down and out and so him and his wife had to stay at there house. Well, he had the hots for his brothers wife and would (so I've heard) stroll out into the living room half naked, she would reciprocate. Anyway, he stole his brothers wife, and felt so bad that he tried to commit suicide by OD'ing on aspirin - yet he felt good enough to marry her. So he was DF'd a third time. What is bizarre is his old wife had an affair with another brother who was married in another KH. This other brothers wife was extremely nice. In fact she DIED when she found out her husband was having an affair (had a heartattack - she was only in her thirties). This brothers whole family is screwed as his father who used to be the PO recently got DF'd for banging a lonely sister, after his wife also passed. The JW's should have there own prime time tv show.

  • Dune

    Thats a crazy experience @ sinis. We had an elder that outlived two wives (both younger by at least 5 years) and married another just recently. He should be around 81 now.

  • sinis

    Shit, knowing what I know now about marriage, I'd never get remarried - I'd just whore around

  • arwen

    Here is one for you...An elder and his stepson in the same cong. The stepson is married and gets DF. the father-in-law goes to comfort the stepson's wife and ends up having an affair with her. They eventually get married, the stepson gets another wife, the elder's first wife dies. That man is an elder today...Amazing..

  • loosie
    1 CO I knew explained it away by saying that the newly widowed brother has needs and its better to marry sooner than to wait and let your yearnings run away with you.

    Oh how I would have hated to get married to fufill a man's needs.

    I know an elder and the principle of a JW school who got divorced neither one of them were df'd. he remarries a woman who is 4 years older than his 19 year old daughter. Let's just say there was about 3 generations between him and his new wife.

  • blondie

    Listen, single brothers are hard to find. And single brothers over 50 are harder to find. And single brothers with some status in the organization are even harder to find. And single brothers with some established financial situation are even harder to find.

    Widowed/scripturally divorced elders don't stay single long.

    And marriageable men in the WTS have the pick of the litter (because there are so many more single women compared to single men.)


  • proandcon


    LOL...the JW's could have their own primetime tv show...every congregation I've been in...including ones near WT Farm with many bethelites have had their share of really unfortunate maritial situaltions. Bethelites, elders, MS. pioneers, etc. ........Doesn't anyone actually hear and apply the message OR do they just hear and apply what they want when its simply convenient for them? Just based on these situations, there is simply no way a just God could consider this group to be his representatives and mouthpiece on earth.

  • misspeaches

    Yep. We had an anointed brother, also an elder, extremely elderly who moved into our congregation. His wife had passed away and he decided he needed a companion for the rest of his time here on earth. I kid you not this was his genuine reason.

    So he marries the mother of another elder in the congregation. She was a divorced woman. They lived in the same house but had seperate bedrooms. It seems he really wanted a live in housekeeper. The new wife was desperate for love and good company. He got fed up with it and left her and went back to his home town.

    Still an elder, still claiming to be one of the anointed.

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