yup greendawn...if they know theyve been in contact with it, if theyre not told theyve been exposed theyre none the wiser.
Spread the good....chickenpox!?
by Gill 40 Replies latest jw friends
'John', you can do better than that.
Sorta like saying... anyone who gets chicken pox after the assembly got it from that kid who had the chicken pox... nawwwww... that's just a coincidence.
Jim TX
I am not insensitive to your daughter's condition, that sounds horrible. However I would ask that you research POLIO and the resurgence of it after it was almost eradicated. Rotary International is the most amazing source of info. If you care about other children not getting polio please click on this link.
Its not my position that a vaccine could never HARM anyone. That's the reason there are the "Adverse Reporting" is out there.
It's my position that children have died for millions of years because of microscopic organisms against which we as humans had no defense. Not to take advantage of vaccines amounts to grandstanding, on many occasions, in my opinion. I haven't found anyone with legitimate reason NOT to take vaccine that's based on science and not fear.
I had chickenpox twice as a child. When I was twelve, I spent the weekend with a friend who had a cold sore on her mouth. Two weeks later I came down with shingles. It was the most excrutiating illness I've ever had, still have a patch of nerve damaged skin on my back from it 24 years later. Two weeks after my shingles, my best friend came down with the worst case of chickenpox. You never know how that disease is going to show itself.
Despite that experience, I have chosen NOT to vaccine my kids against chickenpox. I know several people who have had their kids vaccinated and they get it anyway. I feel it's too new to really know what the far reaching effects of the vaccine are. I'm not comfortable with it and my doctor is very well aware of this.
I refused to vaccinate my kids until they were two. I worry about the effects of those vaccines on a tiny body. Neither had any complications other than freaking out a few people, especially the nurse at their doctor's office. I flat out refused the oral polio for the reasons JimTX described and my doctor actually told me I was right to refuse it. He gave them two injections of the vaccine (IPV) over the next couple of years and then explained they had enough immunity (after the IPV) to handle the oral vaccine (OPV). I understand that is the way the vaccine is done routinely now.
Taking a sick child anywhere is cruel. Exposing thousands of people to a contagious disease is unconscionable.
Here is a link for you...
You are right. getting any disease is not good... but I feel that there are sometimes those who have other interests at heart... I.E. making money.
Kinda reminds me of the WTBTS in a way... tell the masses that vaccines are necessary... but do not tell them the risks that are involved.
Jim TX
Jim, there have been documented cases of polio caused by the polio vaccination. They no longer use that particular vaccine in the US, but your daughter is young enough so that maybe she received it.
Regardless of their widespread use, vaccines are not "safe." In most cases it is a low-risk procedure done to prevent much riskier diseases. But in some cases children get very sick from vaccinations. They can cause short term immune system reactions, or long-term dysfunction. There still appears to be some causal correlation between MMR and autism, but that connection is still under debate, with one side saying "we have proof that there's no link," and the other side saying "we have proof that there is..."
Personally, I think it's criminal to assault a 2 day old baby's immune system with the HepB shot and other vaccinations. And the volume of vaccinations given close together is another practice I vehemently oppose. I am not against vaccinations, I just believe strongly they should be given with more thought and care, rather than looking at an age chart and saying "oh, today you get 8 innoculations because you're 15 months old."
Even with animals, a good vet will not give a vaccination to an animal that is running a fever, they wait until they are several weeks old for the first one, they recommend reduced combo vacc, especially if a disease is not commonly found in the area. Yet I have been in the Dr office on several occasions with a small child running a 101 fever from a virus, and the doc will look at his chart and say "Oh it's time for your shots!" Why is the VET more conscientious than the Pediatrician? And the parent sits there and smiles and nods as the doc give a bunch of innoculations to a child who is fighting a virus. Nothing like a good old-fashioned assault on the immune system to help you get over that virus. (Here is where I'd insert rolling eyes, but... Firefox, dontcha know.)
Last thing: why do kids have to wait a few minutes in the Doctor's office after a shot? Because of the risk of anaphyllaxis after innoculation. It's a known risk. Vets are very familiar with it, which is why they don't recommend home-injections like you can get for cats and dogs through mail-order.
The FDA knows about adverse reactions to vaccinations, but it's probably one of the most under-reported things in medicine, likely because the docs send parents home and say "your kid will probably be fussy and have fever for a day or two," so the kid gets sick, the parent "knew" it would happen, so they don't report the adverse reaction. Last time I got a vaccine (as an adult,) I ran a fever, had headache and nausea. I had muscle aches that lasted for weeks. I called my doctor to report the adverse reactions, and she said, "Oh we don't record these things unless it becomes an urgent care situation."
Now THAT'S good medicine. -
Jim, LOL! Sounds like you are more than aware of everything I wrote. Hehe! Preaching to the choir.
Princess, if I had kids, that's exactly how I would proceed. Sounds like you have a great pediatrician too. -
One final note from me on this topic...
Why do you think that they call it... 'practicing' medicine ???
Jim TX
there have been documented cases of polio caused by the polio vaccination.
I bet there's been more cases of polio documented in children that didn't receive the polio vaccine.
I advocate for INFORMED CONSENT, very similar to what you did. When my 16 year old received the DPT combination 16 years ago she had a scary reaction, high fever and what not. When my 4 year old was born, I told the Dr. I would not agree to that particular vaccine, and what do you know, no worries because they'd changed the formulation to something without the Pertussis (whooping cough) component. (I may be fuzzy on the details).
However, what do you know. There have been outbreaks across the country as Pertussis makes a comeback in 'kids' my age (37) because the immunity of the vaccine has worn off.
So there is no easy answer, however READ READ READ and not info from fear-mongers, either.
So there is no easy answer, however READ READ READ and not info from fear-mongers, either.
I agree, but I think reading both sides is a good idea. The fear mongers are fun to read.
I was at the doctor with my infant son for a round of vaccines. The nurse gave me the polio consent form and left the room to prepare the vaccine. I read it and realized I absolutely did NOT want my baby to have it. She came back and I told her I changed my mind. She totally freaked out, told me she'd have to throw out the vaccine now, it was wasted, blah blah blah. I just stood my ground and refused, then I went home and did some research and decided he could wait until he was older to get his vaccinations. (She was gone by the next visit to the doc)
My kids are super healthy. At ages 8 and 9 they've only been on antibiotics once or twice.