I know that sounds weird. I am pregnant with my first child and my mom is visiting me for a few days. I was laying on the couch taking a nap and she was sitting down and reading to my stomach. I asked her what she was doing and she said giving her grandchild the only spiritual nourishment he probably will ever have ( I am an Atheist and the dad is a non practicing Christian). I just got up and went to my bedroom. This is a taste of what I am going to be in for. My brother has had a hard time trying to get her to stop witnessing to his boys. I don't want to fight with her over this stupid shit. I have fought with her for years about how she treats my sister who is df'd. She is trying to witness to my babies father. We went to dinner Sunday night and she could not stop witnessing to him and moms new husband even graciously offered to have a bible study with him. He for the most part has been humoring them and declined the bible study. On top of that moms new elder husband has been trying to start shit with my dad who they consider an apostate. He ran into him at the Library and told him he could not wait to be a grandfather and was looking forward to the day my son called him grandpa. What is the point of that? It made dad so mad. Dad got a good one in and told him that HIS grandson would never see the inside of a KH. I am so glad I live 1,000+ miles away. It should not be like that though. Just venting. Thanks for listening.
I woke up to my JW mom reading JW literature to my stomach
by unbeliever 40 Replies latest jw friends
I woke up to my JW mom reading JW literature to my stomach
You should have let one rip!
- Ask her to stop.
- If she doesn't stop, tell her that she needs to stop harassing you.
- If she keeps harassing you, tell her you can't see her anymore if she can't guarantee that she won't harass you.
What's really fcked up is that your mom is probably going to start counting her conversations with your stomach as Return Visits™, and maybe even a Bible Study™.
Next time someone does something creepy like that when you're trying to nap, pretend to wake up from a horrible nightmare and start smacking them and screaming as though you're still dreaming about someone attacking your unborn child. Pregnancy hormones are known to cause extremely vivid and sometimes frightening dreams. It would serve your mom right.
Big Tex
Ask her to stop.
If she doesn't stop, tell her that she needs to stop harassing you.
If she keeps harassing you, tell her you can't see her anymore if she can't guarantee that she won't harass you.
- Threads like this make me glad I haven't spoken to my father in 15 years.
- I'm sorry for your harassment unbeliever, the last thing you need right now is a nonstop JW infomerical.
LMAO @ Scully. God, I can just picture that in my mind. To funny.
Scary! I would set the ground rules for grandma right now before the baby is born. Let her know you will be watching her behavior with your siblings children and use that as your guide post as to whether or not she will ever see this child.
Ask your mom if she read to her belly when she was pregnant with you.
If she says yes tell her it didn't work on me knock it off.
If she says no tell her that's why I am the way I am.
Actually, just tell her stay away from my gut or I'll give you five across your lips. -
Pregnancy Dreams
From Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE,Your Guide to Pregnancy / Birth. The gurney was flying through the hospital doors. The big man was following my husband and I closely. As he got nearer I realized it was my Drill Sergeant! He was saying something about my insurance!It wouldn't take a dream interrupter to explain to me that the above dream was caused from my prenatal insurance being canceled because of glitch - namely that I was the daughter of my husband! Obviously it was a mistake, but not one that my hormones and subconscious were going to quickly let me forget.
"I kept on hearing a crying baby, I tried to follow that crying but it was so dark that I was stumbling on bushes and rocks and the baby's crying seemed to have been coming from all around me, so it was impossible to reach it, I started screaming and calling for help, but only heard my echo and the baby still cried..."
The dreams that we have in pregnancy are tainted with the worries and joys of pregnancy and the changing roles of our lives. Hormones don't always help either!
Some women will dream of the sex of their baby or the birth and have it be crystal clear and know that this is how it will be for them. Others have odd dreams, even nightmares.
Dreaming of harm coming to you, a member of your family or the baby is a common theme. As is losing the baby or feeling out of control in a situation with a baby. Many believe that these are just the fears of ourselves as parents coming out in dream form, while others say that they have no meaning. Either way, they can be very disheartening and have no reflection on how you will be as a parent.
Cheating and disappearing spouses, or reappearing ex-lovers can haunt some. What will your husband think of your ever expanding belly? Will he stick around to find out? Or the reverse, you're dreaming of steamy moments with those you find attractive, even the stars of stage and screen.
"I woke up from anesthesia and than a nurse asked me if I want to see my babies. I am very happy as she says "babies"... but she came back with a basket full of .... kittens. "
Maybe work is what's foremost on your mind! Do you say or do silly things at work? Have you had dreams about your boss doing really odd things, like shaving people's forearms? I actually dreamed my boss was marrying my husband, while I stood around pregnant. I did prevail in that dream. My husband didn't laugh and I was brave enough to tell my boss, not sure she thought it was too funny either. I'm trying to stand back and laugh it off...
Sometimes it's hard to laugh off scary dreams or even the realistic birth dreams. Consider sharing them with someone you trust, your spouse, a friend, or someone else who is pregnant! Discussing the fears or revelations behind the dreams is often easier to do and can make you feel much better.
Men have dreams too! Believe it or not, our weird dreams can happen to the men in our lives too. Sometimes their dreams are related to our fears, or theirs. They may revolve around money issues, protection of the family, feeling left out or just about anything. A shoulder to lean on is very important for them as well.
Dreams can become very troublesome when they cause you to lose sleep or have insomnia in any way. There are a few women who will need to seek professional help due to the disturbing nature of the dreams that pregnancy brings on. If you feel like your dreams are causing a problem, you should seek the advice of your practitioner.
Question: How and why does pregnancy affect dreams?
Answer: Dreams reflect your emotional state, so it's only natural that during pregnancy — a time of many mixed emotions — your dreams seem more intense and stranger than usual . Hormonal changes (specifically, a surge in progesterone) also make you dream more frequently and vividly. And you may be remembering more of your dreams if you're regularly waking up during the night, interrupting phases of dream-filled REM sleep.
Experts have found that moms-to-be often dream about such things as water, talking animals, sex, and large buildings during their first, second, and third trimesters. As you find out more about your pregnancy and your growing baby, your dreams will probably be affected. Soon after I learned that my pregnancy was high-risk and that I could hemorrhage during delivery, for instance, I had several very bloody anxiety dreams.
Try not to be disturbed by your dreams — they simply reveal your apprehension and excitement about the huge changes taking place in your life. If you'd like to, record your dreams and what you think they mean in your personal, printable dream journal. Share your nocturnal adventures with your spouse, and while you're at it, find out what expectant-father dreams he might be having, too. -
"On top of that moms new elder husband has been trying to start shit with my dad who they consider an apostate. He ran into him at the Library and told him he could not wait to be a grandfather and was looking forward to the day my son called him grandpa. What is the point of that? It made dad so mad. Dad got a good one in and told him that HIS grandson would never see the inside of a KH."
Your Dad could have replied "I can't wait until my grandson is old enough to call you 'shit for brains' for all that crap you believe"