Condemned witnesses of Jéhovah (28/06/2006)
During 20 years, Daniel deceived children under the glance of his wife. Tens of victims…
BRUSSELS Condemned for sordid facts of rapes, Daniel P. and Nadine NR. formed a couple of witnesses of Jéhovah.
Yesterday, Daniel P. bailed out 6 years of firm prison. Nadine was condemned to 3 years, with complete deferment.
Severe sorrows for facts of an extreme gravity. See rather: 11 minor victims of indecent assaults, 7 breaches of trust on the Net and two rapes. According to the charge, tens of children are victims. Some undoubtedly did not find the force to deposit felt sorry for. The abuses were spread out over one 20 years extraordinarily long period.
The perversity of Daniel did not have any limit. But what is more still shocking, it is the passivity of his wife. Nadine NR. admitted having been pilot of certain scenes but it was keep silent. She acknowledged to have heard the children groan and shout whereas they were constrained to share the bed of prevented. She has it surprised besides in erection in the room in the presence of the children.
She did not want to have sexual intercourse any more with her husband and thus yielded “readily” her place in the marital bed.
Today still, it granted its forgiveness to him. With the audience, both prevented wanted to intertwine, as they did at the end of the debates. This time, that their was refused. They will be able to be seen… in prison.
The file bursts in May 2005 when two young women denounce the facts. The first abuses go back to 1986. The couple attempted to give a good image in the district. Thus it rendered service by accomodating the children when the parents were with work.
With the years, the predator Daniel P. adapted his techniques. It thus tamed Internet for still misusing, in particular while being made pass for a teenager and while fixing go to girls. On the spot, it affirmed being the uncle of the teenager.
With the wire of hearings, prevented minimized the facts. Better still, it rejected the fault on his wife, or the victims by regarding them as prostitutes whereas certain victims were only 4 years old. It also rejected the fault… on the authorities which did not react in time.
Yesterday, with the audience, a victim was present. It could not constitute civil part, because the abuses relating to it were prescribed. A reality difficult to accept. His/her mother, it, had also a thought for another young man of the district which gave itself death. Without apparent reason. It wonders whether, him also, would not have been misused.
Philippe Boudart
BIG JW PEDO NEWS in switzerland
by chasson 15 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
DannyHaszard Témoins de Jéhovah condamnés (28/06/2006) Pendant 20 ans, Daniel a abusé d’enfants sous le regard de sa femme. Des dizaines de victimes… BRUXELLES Condamnés pour des faits de viols sordides, Daniel P. et Nadine N. formaient un couple de témoins de Jéhovah.
Hier, Daniel P. a écopé de 6 ans de prison ferme. Nadine a été condamnée à 3 ans, avec sursis complet.
Des peines sévères pour des faits d’une gravité extrême. Voyez plutôt : 11 mineures victimes d’attentats à la pudeur, 7 abus de confiance sur le Net et deux viols. Selon l’accusation, des dizaines d’enfants sont victimes. Certains n’ont sans doute pas trouvé la force de déposer plainte. Les abus se sont étalés sur une période extraordinairement longue de 20 années.
La perversité de Daniel n’avait aucune limite. Mais ce qui est plus choquant encore, c’est la passivité de sa femme. Nadine N. a reconnu avoir été témoin de certaines scènes mais elle s’est tue. Elle a avoué avoir entendu les enfants gémir et crier alors qu’ils étaient contraints de partager le lit du prévenu. Elle l’a d’ailleurs surpris en érection dans la chambre en présence des enfants.
Elle ne voulait plus avoir de relations sexuelles avec son mari et a donc cédé “volontiers” sa place dans le lit conjugal.
Aujourd’hui encore, elle lui a accordé son pardon. À l’audience, les deux prévenus voulaient s’enlacer, comme ils l’ont fait à l’issue des débats. Cette fois, cela leur a été refusé. Ils pourront se voir… en prison.
Le dossier éclate en mai 2005 lorsque deux jeunes femmes dénoncent les faits. Les premiers abus datent de 1986. Le couple s’attachait à donner une bonne image dans le quartier. C’est ainsi qu’il rendait service en accueillant les enfants lorsque les parents étaient au travail.
Avec les années, le prédateur Daniel P. a adapté ses techniques. Il a ainsi apprivoisé Internet pour encore abuser, notamment en se faisant passer pour un ado et en fixant rendez-vous à des jeunes filles. Sur place, il affirmait être l’oncle de l’ado.
Au fil des auditions, le prévenu a minimisé les faits. Mieux encore, il a rejeté la faute sur sa femme, ou sur les victimes en les considérant comme des filles de joie alors que certaines victimes n’avaient que 4 ans. Il a aussi rejeté la faute… sur les autorités qui n’ont pas réagi à temps.
Hier, à l’audience, une victime était présente. Elle n’a pas pu se constituer partie civile, car les abus la concernant étaient prescrits. Une réalité difficile à accepter. Sa mère, elle, avait aussi une pensée pour un autre jeune homme du quartier qui s’est donné la mort. Sans raison apparente. Elle se demande si, lui aussi, n’aurait pas été abusé.
Philippe Boudart -
This seems to be from Belgium not Switzerland.
his wife helped him so she wouldnt have to have sex with him? thats just sick!
Same situation for my mom--I hate my grandma.
Wow... A lot of JW pedophile stuff popping at once, huh?
chasson , do you have any of the original news reports from the belgium 'Dutroux' case
the watchtower has used it as an example of 'tradgedy of youthful deaths' on its website
Belgium is still reeling in the aftermath of the sexual abuse of six girls and the murder of four of them by a rapist who was out on parole. And the same question—Why?
Meanwhile, increasing attention focused in the activities of Dutroux's wife, Michelle Martin, 36, whose role has been compared to that of Rosemary West in the Cromwell Street murders.
Belgium's King Albert II and Queen Paola said they were "concerned and deeply moved" by reports of the case
Within months of marrying Dutroux she was jailed in 1989, for her part in the paedophile activities which led to her husband being sentenced to 13 years in prison.
Martin's role was treated as minor and she was given a three-year jail term, during which time her son was cared for by her mother at her home in Waterloo, on the outskirts of Brussels.
Neighbours who remember Martin growing up were astounded to see her being led up the stairs of the Palais de Justice in Neufchâteau. They recall a quiet girl, whose father was killed in a car crash.
One told L'Avenir du Luxembourg: "In our neighbourhood we supported her and her mother. While she trained as a teacher we were happy to let her look after our children."
They say that her personality changed in the late Eighties. First, she became involved with Jehovah's Witnesses and then, a neighbour said, she started spending a lot of time abroad, again expecting her mother to look after her small son.
Tuesday, 9 March, 2004, 17:31 GMT
The wife of alleged Belgian child killer Marc Dutroux left two girls to starve to death while he was in jail, an investigator told his trial.
Magistrate Jacques Langlois said Michelle Martin told him she was scared to visit the girls in the basement, thinking they might attack her.
Eight-year-olds Melissa Russo and Julie Lejeune died, probably in early 1996, as captives in Mr Dutroux's home.
Mr Dutroux allegedly kidnapped, raped and killed these and other girls. ........................continues
'Wild animals'
Mr Langlois said Ms Martin had told him she had been asked by her husband to feed Lejeune and Russo when he was jailed for four months for car theft in late 1995.
Well, just quickly, my son is born today, his name is Colas, and i think i have no time to answer in detail to your question yet, sorry Nelly.
If i remember correctly in the Dutroux's scandal, Michelle martin, his wife, was a JW or perhaps someone who has studied with JW.
And true it was in Belgium.
Well, i will be back in few days.