This seemed like a likely place to introduce myself. I live in Oregon and was disfellowshipped a couple of years ago. I never went back to meetings and I don't intend to go back. Recently I found myself doing a search for witness forums and came across this one right away. Anyway I'm taking on life head first and making new friends as I go. It wasn't easy at first because, as I'm sure most of you know, you lose a lot of friends when you leave, or get given the heave ho. Anyway I'll try to check in here every so often to keep up with things. Keeli
I'm new here
by Keeli 64 Replies latest jw experiences
Hi Keeli, and welcome to the board.
You are so right, you lose a lot of friends when you leave the wts, the elders try to make sure of that. It's supposed to be a loving act, getting your best friends to shun you, but I have always had my doubts about that rule. However, the friends you make when you leave, and you will certainly make some here, so please stay around, are unconditional, and won't turn their back on you if you don't believe the same things as them. Most important, you are free now, and you can't put a price on that feeling.
Welcome Keeli, yes it's sad you lose all the friends you had before but you'll find there are plenty of friendships to be made here.
Hey Keeli! We've got a spectacular group of people here. I hope you enjoy your stay.
Welcome, welcome to this message boar
Welcome, welcome to this message board!
Jesus loves you and He loves me too!
Wow lots of replies already. Thank you for the warm welcome :)
Hi Keeli... congratulations! And commisserations.... yes, most people here have lost most of their people. It's a mighty thing you've been through, and finding this site was a massive relief as I know I'm not alone by any means. I hope that everything is going well for you 'out there'. It's pretty great hey?
It is pretty great :)
Welscome to our wee haven of tranquility!