Seventh Day Adventists

by poppers 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • poppers

    Is there anyone here who can give me the short course of wacky beliefs SDA's have? I'm too lazy to find them for myself.

  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    As far as I know the SDA don't have too many '"wacky" beliefs, they believe in the usual things that most Christian religions believe eg. The Trinity, but what I think sets them apart is that they make a big thing about keeping the Sabbath Day, Saturday. I think they also believe in a 1,000 years kingdom of some kind.

  • poppers

    Thanks Lone Ranger. At my local grocery store they have stand with literature available for free. I've looked through it and it seemed pretty mainstream. There seems to be an emphasis on "clean living", with articles about living healthily. There also a local radio station which they operate, with programming centering on health issues as well as scripture. They seem to believe in a six day creation because they keep rebroadcasting lectures by this guy who argues for it by pointing out what he claims are scientific inaccuracies - I find that in particular to be wacky.

  • kwr

    SDA grew out of the Millerette Movement and was founded by James & Ellen G. White. She was thought to be a prophet, but it appears she plargized a lot of her writings according to various web sites. Do a Google search for her, SDA and the Adventist movement.

    The Branch Davidians split from the SDA in the 1930's and in 1993 were killed by the US Government during a rebellion. In 1995 Timothy McVeigh struck back at the US Government with the attack on the Federal Building in Oklahoma City for the Davidian massacre & Ruby Ridge Murders.

  • barry

    Im a Seventh Day Adventist and the most wacky doctrine we have is called the investigative judgement. The doctrine states since 1844 there has been a work of judgement that will end when christ comes. The outline for the doctrine is taken from the old testament when the high priest went into the into the most holy place once a year on theday of atonement. The doctrine promotes perfectionism and a large number of SDAs but not a majority are perfectionists and have a roman catholic theology. For a church that claims itself to be protestant and have a roman catholic theology has been an eye opener. The bottom line beling the gospel is compromised.

    Many in the church dont agree with this doctrine including myself and this leaves the church seriously fractured.

  • poppers


    How is it you became an SDA?

  • restrangled

    My grandmother was a 7th day Adventist before becoming a Witness in the late 1920's and we rented a home to a couple who were the same faith about 10 years ago.

    I will tell you what I know from my history between the 2 above.

    On the sabbath they cannot do labor of any sort. Because our renters worked 6 days a week, and no work was allowed on the sabbath, the house was a pig sty including the yard. I had to constantly go over and tell them things had to be cleaned no avail. I finally had them removed after 5 years.

    Women are not allowed to wear makeup, dancing is frowned upon, immunization shots are not really approved of etc.

    All of this came through with my Grandmother after she converted to JW's and had 6 out of 7 kids witnesses by time they were little.

    This is all I know about them.


  • barry

    Gday Poppers, Im a third generation SDA I argue with there doctrine especially the investigative doctrine every opportunity and they still havent asked me to leave so Im stayin

  • poppers

    Thanks restrangled.

  • poppers

    Hey Barry, are you a Fawlty Towers lover? I've got their 12 episodes on DVD - great stuff!

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