Sister: Brother prick can I speak to you in private?
Brother prick: Of course, how can I help?
Sister Last night I was on the Internet and a porn site just popped up and well.........I must confess I looked at the the pics.........I didnt mean to they where just there
Brother prick Surely, sister you mean your father was on the the Internet?
Sister Urrrrr no, it was me
Brother prick But your a sister...................I havent got any info on how to deal with a sister, only was it your hubby?
Sister was me.............I was looking at the pics
Brother prick Well ill be dammed.............I think ill have to call a JC..........
At the JC
Brother sister youve confessed to looking at porn pics...........that good,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I mean its good you confessed...........but after hours of interrogation ...........we come to the conclusion that you must be ............disfellowshipped...............
Sister.............what but I told you it was an accident and I confessed and I didnt do any of those terrible things you asked me
Brother prick what can I say are a sister are a whore and must be punished
edited to say: "you are a are a whore and must be punished"