I like simple Coors light :). It does it for me every time :)
What's Your Favorite Brand of Beer?
by tfsm 64 Replies latest jw experiences
Wow! Thanks for all of the replies. I can get a few of the recommendations here where I live so I've made a short list and will be trying a few of your suggestions. Starting with whyamihere's Honey Brown of course...
i don't like carbonated drinks.
calliopé -
Guinness for me all the way.
It makes you fat and your sh*t turn black, but I love it. Just wish I could get it here.
Ever hear about the three brewery executives at the convention? One from Miller, one from Bud and one from Guiness.
They all went to the hotel bar. The bartender took their orders. The Bud VP ordered a Budweiser, the Miller VP ordered a Miller High Life. When he got to the Guiness VP he said, "I'll have a coke". "A coke?" asked his companions. "Yeah", he said "If no body else is going to have a beer I won't either".
Why JWD beer of course and I'm not kidding
J.W. Dundee makes a great bear. Pale Ale, Honey Brown and Amber Lager - Yummmy! -
Difficult to find at times, but worth the search..... Spanish Peaks Honey Raspberry Ale http://www.mylifeisbeer.com/beer/bottles/bottledetail/438/
Goose Island! Now there's a Midwestern beer! Leinenkugel is pretty damn good, too. Ditto for Pig's Eye, Mad Anthony, and several others.