Did anyone else besides my never-been-a-dub wife notice that today's events fullfilled the prophecy made on page 208 of the book "From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained?"
It must be Armageddon...
by r51785 13 Replies latest jw friends
yes, my ex called me today about it. Tomorrow i am going to the nearest kh...
which is? I do not have access to that book.
Page 208 shows a picture of a skyscraper falling on people in neck high water.
25.Soul-chilling terror will spread through the masses of people so that they will lose control of themselves; they will begin killing one another. "On that day a great panic from the LORD [Jehovah] shall fall on them, so that each will lay hold on thwe hand of his fellow, and the hand of the one will be raised against the hand of the other." (Zachariah 14:13,RS) Then "every man's sword shall be against his brother." (Ezekiel 38:21, AS) But their selfish fight to live will be all in vain. THose who escape being killed by their neighbors will be destroyed by God's heavenly armies.
Question for 25. In their fear, what will people do to one another?
26 talks about those that scoffed and laughed at the warning of Armageddon. It says God will send a flesh eating plague that will destroy many. Eaten up while they stand on their feet. (Zechariah 14:12, RS)
Judge for yourself if this has anything to do with todays events. I say page 208 has no bearing on what happened today.
The JW's have SOO MANY pictures of destruction in there liturature over time. Someday one of them is bound to look like a real disaster. To feel that's a fulfillment of WTS prophecy is like saying it's a fulfillment of 'Hollywood' prophecy. COME ON PEOPLE, it's not the big A!
I am surprised someone hasn't said the Evil WatchTower did it.
Maybe they were able to draw those pictures because THEY"RE behind this!! Who knows...if you could tell me where I can see this book, it would be much appreciated.
My Regards,
Joanne -
pedal power
Nearly 10 years after 9 / 11 its strange to look back on the posts from this site, which was in its infancy.The USA was under attack, Thousands murdered, I was in shock, I was still In the Org, and yet these few posters around at that time encapsulate Those times. The Archive starts from post 431 and gives us access to a Real-time discussion as these events were unfolding, Some people were going back to the KH, others wanted to enlist in the military, There were JW,s who were deleriously happy at the carnage, yet others who wanted to " Nuke " them.
As I read and examined the posts, I became more convinced than ever that THE WTBTS and its teachings, lead to a bloodlust, that would make the USMC look like the Amish !!
I remeber 9/11 all to well my school played patriotic throughtout the day and flags were everywhere it felt like a scene out of 1984 this year is going to mark ten years after the event man time flies.
I was a kid being dragged to the Kingdom Hall by my newly converted parents when JFK was assasinated. The JWs were absolutely sure that it was a sign of Armageddon.
When Oswald was killed by Jack Ruby a few days later, they were even more sure.
After two weeks, nobody said a word about it any more.