Why is it when I have been drinking alcohol I come home sleepy then pow I'm wide awake and can't sleep ? Also is it true drink hard liquor first, followed by beer and water so hangover is not as bad ?
I'm new at this drinking business give me tips
by troubled mind 37 Replies latest jw friends
Not sure about your questions but have some advice of my own.
If you are planning on a big night prevent vomiting by having a glass of milk to start with, it lines the stomach
To prevent a hangover have plenty of vitamin C and B before drinking, it help you metabolise better.
Plenty of water at the end is good, as a hangover results from being dehydrated.
So if you're having troubles sleeping after a hards night drinking maybe it's because you aren't taking pain pills with your booze????
cognizant dissident
Here's a tip I learned many years ago. It always prevents a hangover.
Don't drink so much!
The reason you're having problems with sleep is because alcohol disturbs normal sleep patterns. Intoxication helps you fall asleep but the alcohol interrupts the process that helps you stay asleep. The liquor to beer thing is true only to the extent that the properties of whatever liquor or beer you're drinking has effects on you that make you sick All alcohol makes you sick eventually in any form, because vomiting is your body's attempt to avoid alcohol poisoning. If switching drinks is making you sicker, it's because of the other ingredients in your drinks.
heres a couple of tips for ya
there isnt a problem in the world that a few stiff drinks wont make a whole lot worse
life is much more exciting sober
Late starter troubled mind? My only tip would be always make sure drinking is fun (as I guess your post is) and not a way of life.
So if you're having troubles sleeping after a hards night drinking maybe it's because you aren't taking pain pills with your booze????
PMSL...hehe...too true! DB74
BlackSwan of Memphis
Dunno exactly what you're drinking, but I've had it happen where I might only have a drink or two and the same thing happens.
My guess is the calories give you a last jolt of energy. I'm not a nutritionist, but I have had it happen a couple of times in my life and so has my husband and that's what I figured.
If I have partaken of the vodka redbull mix then not only can't I sleep but my wee fella stands to attention all night, magic
I find drinking a pint of water helps before going to bed and having water chasers during the evening also helps. Oh and a bottle of Irn Bru in the morning is the bee's knee's as well
Happy and safe drinking to you