I have noticed a few times that not all countries celebrate their holidays on the same day as Canada or the US. Canadians have a better knowledge of the American holidays because we tend to watch many American TV shows.
Some holidays are the same where ever you live. But a lot are different, like Mother's Day.
So for the benefit of all what are the holidays your country or state/province celebrates?
I have a list of Canda's public holidays but I don't have all the provincial holidays
New Year's Day 1-Jan
Nunavut Day 1-Apr Nunavut
Good Friday Variable
Easter Monday Variable
Victoria Day 21-May
Saint-Jean Baptiste Day Province of Québec
Discovery Day 25-Jun Newfoundland and Labrador
Canada Day 1-Jul
Civic Holiday First Monday in August Most of Canada
Discovery Day 20-Aug Yukon Territory
Labour Day First Monday in September
Thanksgiving Day Second Monday in October
Remembrance Day 11-Nov
Christmas Day 25-Dec
Boxing Day 26-Dec
Add your own to the list