SIGH! And so once again, 'earthling' man....

by AGuest 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    'dominates' earthling man... to his own injury.

    There are two sides to this coin, dear ones, as there are two sides to every coin. Unfortunately, BOTH 'sides' to this one... are sick... and the 'defect'... is theirs. To the detriment of a great many 'innocent' people. On perhaps that side of the 'ocean'... as well as this. Innocent blood gets spilled on domestic... and foreign soil, dear ones.

    And yet, still... earthling man wishes to put his 'trust'... in earthling man.

    No, I have no message of 'doom'... or 'Harmageddon'. Not any more than when a building of wedding guests collapses, an earthquake devastes, a tornado or hurricane blows, a volcano erupts... or a madman goes on a killing spree. In all cases, lives... are lost. Tragedies, all.

    No, I have said all that my Lord will permit me to say on the matter, other than that while we may... or may not... be 'surprised' at the acts of earthling man... and whether we feel 'retaliation' to be justified... or not... we can ALWAYS feel pity for the 'victims'... and their loved ones. Whomever they may be.

    I offer my sincerest wish of remembrance for the victims... and my sincerest wish for peace, not as the world gives it, but as my Lord gives it... for their loved ones.

    And I pray that you all take note of what can occur when man... HATES his fellow man... and finally concede to learn... to LOVE.

    I am your servant, and a slave of Christ... to time indefinite.


  • SixofNine

    YES! Let us all pray that G.W. Bush will learn quickly to listen to the voices in his head. He is such an earthling, man.

  • dungbeetle

    Nothing new under the sun, is there SJ. ((( ))) up the crap.

  • TR


    ... and my sincerest wish for peace, not as the world gives it, but as my Lord gives it... for their loved ones.

    And just HOW does your lord give peace? There are those who just are NOT going to be nice matter how much "dear ones" crap you spout. Why the ***k is YOUR lord talking to you? Why doesn't he talk to the crazy sumbitches? Maybe they could be prevented from going through with their evil plans. Your lord can whisper in your ear and tell you what to tell us, but can't seem to communicate with someone who REALLY needs it. I find your talk worthless. Sorry.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • Farkel


    : HATES his fellow man... and finally concede to learn... to LOVE.

    You can quit saying that my Father is the "Father of the Lie" for starters.


  • logical


    And I pray that you all take note of what can occur when man... HATES his fellow man... and finally concede to learn... to LOVE.

    WHY does it have to be like this? Its not right.

    I too hope that people will learn to LOVE from this experience. All this hatred is destroying everyone. Its not fair

  • AngelofMuZiC

    "If you talk to God, you are praying. If God answers you back, you have schizophrenia." That is the best quote I've ever heard!

    I agree with you 6, that if there is a God out there who is listening, we should pray that he strike Bush with some intellectual lightening, so he will stop playing around, and take some decisive action. He has got to be the most moronic and idiotic president yet to be in office, and he, in my own personal opinion is a disgrace to America and it's foreign policies.


  • Julie

    Hi Guest--

    I was wondering, could you answer my reply to your post about what does God exect of us? If you did I missed it.

    Let me know--thanks

  • AGuest

    Dearest Farkel... may you have peace... and may I ask you: have we 'different' fathers, you and I? In truth, while I know you are not 'heeding' ours when he speaks to you and warns you of what is causing you so much... 'grief' in your life, at NO time have I not considered you my brother. And you know this. I am, then, at a loss as to what you are referring to.

    Dearest TR... SixofNine and Angel... peace to you, as well. Again, I am confused. Have you not heard, did you not read, and have I not related it to you HERE... where my Lord says "MY sheep hear my voice" and "MY sheep know my voice"? What, then, are you dear ones missing on this? The people you are referring to, those that perpetuated BOTH sides of this issue, if even indeed they ARE those... do NOT belong to my Father. Neither worship the Holy One of Israel, for NEITHER listen to the voice of my Lord when HE says: "You must LOVE your enemy."

    The U.S. has brought this tragedy upon its innocent people, and the perpetrators have brought it upon theirs. The 'leaders' of NEITHER side, however... CARE. This is a POWER struggle, in many ways... for many reasons. A matter of domination, whether technically or literally... large or small. And the ENTIRE issue is at the risk of many, MANY innocent victims. So, yeah, let's kill a few more... what the hell. They're only lives, right? Many decry the activity of my Father when HE takes 'vengeance'... yet, many of those same ones are crying now, "An eye for an eye! A life for a life!"

    I marvel that people don't BELIEVE in my Father, yet decry His 'inactivity'. They don't BELIEVE He speaks, yet says "Why can't they hear Him, why aren't THEY listening." If, dear ones... ISRAEL ain't listening... how is it that you wish to know why those are AREN'T Israel... aren't listening and can't 'hear'? Even if YOU can't hear... and YOU don't listen... and yet, YOU know better than to sell arms to small countries so that they devastate one another; YOU know better than to perpetuate wars and your culture on those who do not 'wish' it; YOU know better than to hijack planes and kill thousands of innocent people. You do not 'hear' and yet, you know enough NOT to do such things. Yes?

    And yet... YOU do not 'hear'.

    Why in the WORLD would you think George Bush... or Osama Ben Laden (IF, him)... would 'listen'. George Bush is quoted as saying, "Today, our nation saw evil." But EVERY DAY, dear ones, OTHER nations 'see evil', as a result of arms sold by the U.S. YOU know this... and yet, you ask "why" this particular tragedy? May I ask YOU... why is an American life worth MORE... than any other? IS it?

    He is also quoted as saying to pray for the families of the victims (which ANYONE should/would do, including you dear ones...) and quoted the Book of Psalms, "And I pray they will be comforted by a power greater than any of us spoken through the ages in Psalm 23. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil for you are with me." WHO, pray tell, is the "you" of which George Bush speaks? My Father? My Lord? I most certainly do not THINK so. You cannot possess SUCH hypocrisy... and be heard by my Father. I truly does not work that way.

    THIS tragedy... was 'scripted', dear ones, by 'earthling' man... on BOTH sides of the coin. Truly, can you BE a 'superpower'... or power of ANY type... in THIS world... and not sacrifice innocent lives? We instill the SAME 'hatred' for the 'enemy' in our children as others do in theirs. We just do it a bit more subtlely... and pretty it up in movies and videos. But we 'perpetuate hatred' as well as the next nation. The German, Japanese, Cuban, Chinese, Russian... and certain Middle Eastern... are all our 'enemies'... at one time or another. And yes, while the U.S. DOES provide some world 'protection'... it does it at ITS own whim, when there is som political... or economical BENEFIT to do so. And... YOU KNOW THIS, too.

    Can you have such hypocrisy... and NOT have casualties? Truly?

    I am in NO way condoning what took place, but I cannot... WILL not... let the blame for what earthling man DESIRES... and its resultant consequences... fall on my Father. It is lie. Man... is doing... and has done... and will YET do... what pleases HIM... even to the INJURY... of other man. Why? Because HE WANTS IT THAT WAY. And my Father has conceded... to let man... have his 'way'. For now.

    I bid you all peace, and I am yet still,

    YOUR servant... and a slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    Dearest Julie... may you have peace... and yes, I am permitted to answer. I will do so tonight, on the original thread, if I may. I just took 'leave' from that, in light of yesterday's tragedy. Many here understandably had their minds on that, and their pain and fear was greatly felt by my Lord. There is a time to speak... and a time to be quiet. With regard to what we WERE talking about, it was time to be quiet.

    Give me a moment, if you will, please... and I will reply, as my Lord has replied to me and directed me.

    Again, I bid you peace, and I am...

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


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