You bring back some exhausting memories, Mulan.
I too remember being a kid and having to sit through those 8 day marathons. They would start on Sunday morning and end Sunday evening the following week. Fortunately the last DC I attended as a JW was in 1984 and it was only 4 days. However, in 1989 I attended the DC as a non-JW. My girlfriend, who was Jewish, wanted to see what a JW convention was like. So we went to the Saturday morning session. It started around 9 AM. The attendants seated us just before the program began. After the opening song and prayer the speakers began their usual boring lectures. I don't recall what they said as I slept through most of the morning session. When they dismissed us for lunch I asked my girlfriend if she had had enough and she agreed it was time to leave.
She did have an interesting sense of humor while at the convention. Every time she visited the restroom she would leave in the stalls several of Randy Watter's tracts exposing the Watchtower. And I couldn't resist placing a couple of phoney Russell $3 bills in the contribution box as my donation to the "Watchtower's World Wide Witnessing Work." Though it was just the two of us, knowing the paranoia of the JWs, they probably thought an army of apostates had invaded.