The WTS has had JWs so focused on the destination for it's entire history, now it's telling them to enjoy (or appreciate) the journey. That's a huge shift.
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 7-2-06 WT Study (INTEGRITY)
by blondie 21 Replies latest watchtower bible
serendipity hit the nail on the head . The organization has been using the carrot on the stick for a hundred years promising things that never happened then they turn around and blame the R&F for having expectations that didn't include being in this old world regurgitating WTBTS dogma . I mean jeezus how long can they sit there and play brain dead . This thing is looking like a train wreck from the inside out . I love the way they flip flop over night and want everybody to sit there and act like nothing happened . OHH yah that's right the society says not to complain so I guess I can't complain ...... dit da da ................
preoccupied with future physical blessings that we are blind to our present-day spiritual blessings
or maybe anaesthetized or oblivious to our present-day spiritual famine and drought? or our present-day challenges and opportunities?
Isn't that what the WTS wants? For JWs to focus so much on the Reward™ that they can overlook the Spiritual
SlopFood™ that's being served in thefeeding troughsKingdom Halls and JW literature, and forget about taking care of things necessary to survive present-day circumstances? -
Room 215
It seems the whole purpose of the article is to ameliorate the disappointment of so many older, long-term JWs who thought that by now they would have been ushered into a New World of ternal youth, and who find themselves stranded in the reality of an old age without the resources to remain self-sufficient. The message seems to be: ``So you actually took our incessant. mind-numbing drumbeat of `soon, soon, soon' seriously and now you're upset that there's no New World yet? Too bad! Get over it and console yourself with the knowledge that your beliefs insulated you from the larger workd and inhibited you from committing all sorts of crime and immorality."
This is not the first time the WTS has slapped the rank and file up side the head for thinking paradise was coming soon.
w99 7/15 p. 18 Anchored by Hope, Impelled by Love ***Some who have stopped associating with the Christian congregation still believe that it practices the true religion. However, they evidently lack the patience and endurance required to wait for the new world that Jehovah God has promised. Life in Paradise has not come soon enough for them.
A few dedicated Christians in some parts of the world appear to have reefed the sails of their ship of faith. The ship is still afloat, but instead of forging ahead in full faith, they have adopted a cruising speed. Drawn by the hope of "Paradise soon," some were prepared to spare no efforts to attain it—zealous in the preaching work and regular in attendance at all meetings, assemblies, and conventions. Now thinking that the realization of their hopes is farther off than they anticipated, they have lowered the price they are willing to pay. This is evident in reduced preaching activity, irregularity at meetings, and willingness to miss parts of assembly or convention programs. Others are devoting more time to recreation and to obtaining material comforts. These facts lead us to consider what should be the driving force in our lives in line with our dedication to Jehovah. Should our zeal in his service be dependent on the hope of "Paradise soon"? -
Thanks again, Blondie, for another well-researched and thoughtfully-commented review. The reference to Seligman was interesting - at first I couldn't recall why his name sounded so familiar to me, then I remembered him from my psych studies on learned helplessness. He's well-known for developing the theory of learned helplessness, the notion that when people feel they have no control over their life situation and believe their choices are irrelevant, that anything they do will not change their environment or future outcome, then they become completely helpless and unable to act for themselves, relying on others for everything. It has been linked with depression.
"Obeying the WT in all things even when they are wrong" and blindly believing that you must obey so you won't be among the "6.5 billion non-JW's who will soon be dead forever" - sounds like a classic case of learned helplessness to me.
Good catch there blondie once again . What's the deal with this ? The kingdom arrival has been announced so many times and then renounced and now they shoot themselves in the foot once again with the carrot they waved so bravely over everybodies head for decades . I mean even the convention this year is ,"deliverance is at hand". I think they deliberately left out the part about lift your head up and rejoice . I still want to check this thing out but already forgot the texas dates ....
Heathen,You're in the DFW are, right? If so, there's a DC in Fort Worth this week - July 7-9.
Hi Blondie, I didn't get to read your comments until after the meeting. I'm glad I did not comment. I sat right next to a guy who's been coming to our meetings, but he's currently not studying. There's no way I'm leaving him astray and confused here.
Back to the article, how can the WT tell people not to think about the future when all it does is promise a paradise earth? Its a sad state of affairs there...
I spose I could just call the convention center and find out for sure . Weren't we going to get together on that ? serendipity. Or are you still in and afraid of being caught with a heathen . LOL Ohh I bet if I do go I'd run accross some dubbies from the arlington area , they'd know that I questioned the org . The unforgiveable sin ,wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh They also know I'm anointed as well ,,,,he he