VM was pretty spot on, they continually use creative accounting to publish their world wide peak publishers but the falls in Europe especially Poland and Germany and Japan were surprising, I personally would not have predicted that, the next couple of years will see more falls though, Slimboyfat would have us believe that they are the worlds fastest growing group!
Prediction of large drop in JW numbers in 2014
by VM44 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
He was kind of spot on about stirring up the sheep.
yep--the watchtower cult is definitely decreasing rapidly----but invisibly. ( well--it works for them dunnit ? )
They need a new product.
Quite a prescient observation.
As others have noted, the "new product" is JW.BORG.
It would be "safer" to expect a slow bleeding of peak numbers as the years pass by after 2014.
Creative counting of time obscures the drop off in zealous door-to-door activity. Look at the "inactive Witnesses with their literature trolleys, idling away their time on their ipads as passersby...pass by.
hey guys, my aunt in florida who is a jw said they will not be having any more two day assemblies. hmm
and lol, one eyed joe, elders are after all supposed to be elder 'ly' right?
who ever would request a person under the age of 40 be an 'elder' is an idiot. the village elders were the older men who had the knowlege of the tribal
rituals, probably not much else, they certainly werent sitting behind a curtain listening to sins..
yadda yadda 2
Most JW's, especially the younger generation, are not particularly excited by all the JW.ORG buzz. The internet has been around for over 15 years already, yawn.
Most don't give a feck about their 1914 chronology. It's a social club, a community, of family and friends, like any other religion.
Yeah its a social thing all right and in the right congregations it can be fun, but having to listen to the meetings is to much for me. Anyway I think this year will be the begining of the end for them as more and more ones will fade away or not join at all.
The internet has been around for over 15 years already, yawn.
The Internet went public in 1989. 25 years ago. You have lost ten years somewhere. Judging by that yawn I guess sleeping?
yadda yadda 2
Yeah yeah, ok Dis-Member - love to feed off others mistakes don't ya. But it wasn't until the mid to late 1990's that the internet started to became commonly used by the public.