The last tug of trained fear.

by Steve Lowry 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Steve Lowry
    Steve Lowry

    I was wondering if anyone here could remember their last tug of fear in their stomach after they left the Watchtower Society, concerning Armageddon coming where you may have had a moments regret or fear of not being a JW, and so you wouldn’t be "saved". You know, the stupid conditioning we as JW children received growing up as JW kids. I realize this may seem like kind of a weird question, but I remember my moment, and going through that experience it was very a freeing feeling once I came through it on the other end.

    I was visiting a church in about the 1984 time frame. I had been out of the Watchtower for about five years or so. I really didn't think I had any more worries about the Watchtower's warnings of paranoia about Armageddon, and my not being a JW when it supposedly came. I stepped outside for a smoke during the service and I saw many vapor trails high in the sky, like those which might come form nuclear missiles, all coming from the eastern horizon. I thought to myself, this must be the way God will accomplish Armageddon and here I am at a church! As it turned out, it was nothing more than a military pilot training session (I wasn’t the only who noticed the trails that day and got concerned). After that realization, I just laughed at myself, and resolved never to allow the Watchtower hysteria attack me again, and it never has. I’m kinda grateful I went through that experience so I could finally shrug off that last bit of mind control.

    Anyone got anything remotely like this kind of experience to relate? I’d love to hear it. Maybe I’m alone in this kinda thing. I dunno.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    When I went to my frist Catholic Mass and was sitting there listening to a beautiful sermon about love and here I was thinking ...

    Oh now I've done it, I'm toast. Armageddon will come and I'll be trying to hide under the nearest mountain (which would be the Smokies) and Jehovah will lift up the mountain and say

    BOO! I've got you now...

    But after that I realized that hm, yeah, I have a better chance of being struck by lightning...

    Oh shoot, now I've jinxed myself. Wouldn't ya know with my luck Armageddon is going to come just like lightning.....


  • serendipity

    Hi Steve,

    Yes, I had the fear that Armageddon would come while I was fornicating.

  • Terry

    For some reason probably having to do with my personal psychology I never feared Armageddon. I always took the attitude that if the most benevolent intelligence in the universe wants me dead I probably deserve it--so, why worry?

    The actual visceral feel of profound disturbance I last felt concerning the Watchtower Society was the sudden realization I might have wasted my youth clinging to a cult!

    I suddenly saw myself as somebody I'd never considered being in a million years; a DUPE!

    What scared me was having to start my education process all over again because I could not trust a single thing I thought I knew!!

  • GentlyFeral

    As soon as I realized the Watchtower's version of Jehovah ™ was actually penalizing me for taking the Golden Rule too seriously, I lost all respect for him and his alleged destructive powers.

    But that left me with the fear that there was nothing to stop humanity from destroying itself without any assistance from The Big Guy at all.

    I'm slowly getting over that feeling: check out Ode Magazine and my "We're Not Gonna Die" threads and almost any of Metatron's non-Watchtower-specific posts.

    g ently f eral

  • Satanus
  • anewme

    Im kind of like Terry. I dont worry about it. Whatever God wants to do is ok with me!
    I mean it. He da man.

    Mean time I am gonna live my life the way I see best and hope he likes it.

  • Quentin

    I never feared it. Always felt I would be there on the other end when it was over, whether I was a JW or not. Till about ten years ago, then my life took a different direction, but that's another story.

    Now I simply do the best I can with what I've got. God will do as he pleases...and I'll live my life answering to no one but myself...

  • Purza

    I cannot recall any specific instances where I was worried about Armageddon beginning. Shortly after my fading, I would get these panic attacks thinking that it would arrive without me being under the "umbrella of safety" the WTS provides. Once I figured out that was part of the mind conditioning those panic attacks have completely gone away. I don't even think much about it anymore and just live my life to the fullest every day.

    I refuse to allow them to continue to control me by living in fear of something that may or may not occur.


  • Steve Lowry
    Steve Lowry

    What great responses! Thank you guys for sharing your insights. I can relate to everything said, especially the view that God is in control, and my worrying about the end won't help in any way. Ultimately, I have learned since leaving the mental confines of the Watchtower Society that God loves me as His child, unconditionally. And hey, that's good nuff' for me. No more worries here M8's.

    Someone here said they worried that Armageddon would come when they were fornicating. Well, I haven't had that worry, but I have worried that I would 'come' why fornicating! Does that count? ;up

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