Did you have a Witness approved car?

by free2beme 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mysterious

    Nope I take the bus or ride a bike. :)

  • Gregor

    An elder in our cong had a big 4 door Caddy for service and a pumpkin orange Corvette with chrome wheels for his personal car. The other elders didn't know what to say. But they did mumble a lot.

  • esw1966

    Always did!

    4 door Horizon was my first for pioneering. Then Buicks and Cutlass Ciera. Then when the kids came it was vans!

  • joe_black

    NO! I've never owned a VOLVO and probably never will, lol.

  • CountryGuy

    I drove two-door cars all through high school, mostly because they were cheap and I could afford them. Not long after graduation, my cousin and I restored a 1977 Mustang. We did this mostly to resale and make a little bit of cash, however, I wound up drivng it for about a month. The congregation couldn't stand it and took it upon themselves to find me an acceptable service car. They would bring me the auto section of the newspaper with "Good Service Car" adds circled. Some brought me copies of fliers hung up at Wal-Mart. Or, some would just bring me a phone number of a car with a "For Sale" sign on it that they saw in service.

    I did wind up buying a four-door car (with the help of the money I made when we sold the Mustang), but it was one that a) I found on my own b) I could afford and c) one that I LIKED.

    Incidentally, I was out of the organization about a year later...


  • free2beme

    I remember once, being told, that a Pioneers responsibility was to always make sure a good service car was available. Since my congregation was prone to little old woman being dropped off with no car, during the week days. If I did not have my four door car, we would come up short and no one ever had territory near enough to the hall to walk to it. You can right off mileage used for religious service though in the USA. I tracked mine and did that.

  • Snoozy

    We only had one car and hubby only let me have it one day a week to go shopping.

    That meant waking up 3 kids and taking him to work then going home and getting them ready for school then going in service then shop then pick up kids then pick up hubby...(I'm tired just remembering it)

    Hubby's step Grandpa (JW) died and his grandma (not JW) had no use for the car so they sold it to us for a dollar.

    It was a station wagon. Nash Rambler.Lots of room. Well I was so happy to have a car I dedicated it to doing Jehovah's work!..Yep...

    Went out in service all the time..picked up the sisters that needed a ride..did home calls on the sick..did that for years..finally the old station wagon got slower and slower..we sold it.

    Hubby bought a 57 chevy and painted it and fixed it up . He didn't like me letting any one ride in it then, so my taxi days were over...

    After all..he WAS the head of the house....

    Snoozy Q....

  • vitty

    I wonder if this is an American thing, Ive never heard of any problems with having just a 2 door car in the UK

  • HoChiMin

    I had an "unapproved" new two door five seat SUV with a snow plow and plowed the KH for five years for free ZIP-NADA. The previous witless plowed and was given repair money whenever his truck broke down, it was ten years old.

    One day in service it was below zero*f and snowing. I got a complaint from a women getting back into the back-seat that the truck was to high with only two doors and it was a bad example for an elder to have such a vehicle. I quickly told her that no one complained when I plowed the parking lot at the Hall. She shut up.

    It was my last season ever to do anything at that miserable place.


  • Stealth453

    For sure!!!!

    Mine has 2 wheels, goes about 140 miles an hour, and gets my wife hot when she rides behind me.

    Bet mine beats yours. hehe

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