Looking to hear your Service horror stories.

by Stealth453 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stealth453


    I was about 10 years old, working with one of the pioneers in our hall, and we came across a gentleman that screamed obcenities at us and threatened to kill us unless we left his porch. I wet my pants. The pioneer I was with told me that I was a 'weak little witness that brought shame to jehovah for wetting my pants,' and that my punishment would be finishing out the morning's service with wet, piss stained pants.

    It was February in Toronto. That pioneer was my own mother.

    Let's hear em...

  • greendawn

    We had an old man once screaming at us and then chasing us with a piece of wood, he was obviously not 100% in his mind. He said : "can you see the mercury in my eyes?" I said no and then he went beserk.

  • Stealth453

    I think that was my father... now he's an elder. hehe

  • smellsgood

    "The pioneer I was with told me that I was a 'weak little witness that brought shame to ;jehovah for wetting my pants,' and that my punishment would be finishing out the morning's service with wet, piss stained pants."

    OH MY GOSH, that is sooooo, urgh, wicked!
    If you like your mother at least TODAY, I won't say what I was going to say...


  • Stealth453

    I don't...say what you like.

    It will help.

  • misspeaches

    Going to visit my return visit, quite an elderly lady. She opens the door stark naked much to my horror. I just left the mags and got out of there quick smart.
    Another time, same return visit. I knock on the door and she doesn't answer (highly unusual). Something tells me all is not good. I knock again and faintly hear some noise in the house. Peering through the window I see her lying sprawled out on the floor! We (my friend and I) attempted to get in but the place was all locked up. Eventually we called the ambo's and they contacted the fire dept who broke into the place. Turns out she had been there all night long (middle of freezing winter). That was a terrible day. The good news is she recovered. But I think that was the only time I was relieved I went in field service.

  • Stealth453

    That's a feel good in the end. Good for you.

  • finnrot

    "The pioneer I was with told me that I was a 'weak little witness that brought shame to jehovah for wetting my pants,' and that my punishment would be finishing out the morning's service with wet, piss stained pants."

    Can we assume by your avatar that there is still a little problem wetting ourselves?


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    You've gotta admit a 10 year old pissing themselves is awfully annoying.

  • Stealth453

    Good call...but nope. Pretty much well adjusted since my departure from the wt society.


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