How Do You Feel About Life & Yourself Now That You're Out?

by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Carmel

    It's a bowl of cherries!


  • lonelysheep

    I think it depends on the day. Some days I feel like I'm still getting my head together in order to move forward with life the way I want to.

    As for witnesses....I am so ready to hold a conversation with someone who comes to my door, but they no longer go d2d in my apartment complex. It's been at least a year.

  • Fleshybirdfodder

    I kind of feel like I inherited a house that was a complete money pit and now I have to build it again from the ground up. Some days are great and exciting, other days I still have that awful fatalistic voice in my head that was planted there so long ago saying "there's no point, the world is passing away and so is it's desire." I'm just blessed that I have very patient family and friends. It is getting better. You guys are helping a lot. Thanks.


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    I no longer have an organization on my back telling me to dress, think and act the way they want. I have no use for the pathetic demagogues that stand in front and spew two faced speach for hours on end.

    Laud our God, Laud Jehovah God...


  • free2beme

    I feel very content and yet at times, I do miss the hope that one day things would be better. It's an honest answer! I am however, free of unneeded guilt, I do not worry about people spying on me and I have very little drama. Unless I make it for fun!

  • thecarpenter

    I feel much better, it's strange because I find I'm thinking less about the witnesses and I am losing my anger toward them (sometimes I do feel a monentary flash of anger)and starting to feel sad for them. But anyway, I am enjoying making more friends (coworkers, ex-jw's, social groups and social causes) and doing things with them. It has been a lot of fun so far. One thing that has helped me is the realization that I have to find people and interesting things to do, not the other way around.

    I think that I am going to enjoy this summer before I start school again.

  • Brigid

    It's not that everything is peachy and smooth as the glassy sea since leaving. It's that my consciousness has shifted. Instead of looking at the glass as half empty, I truly see it as half full. My life, though rough at times, is quite beautiful and most importantly, it is mine. My decisions, my path, my responsibility, my power. It is pure potentiality at any given moment. That is something that was missing as a witness--when bad things happened: Satan. When good things happened: Jehovah. Just wait. Just react to whatever situation came along according to the publishing company's direction, never be proactive or reach out for anything. Now I'm more proactive.


  • blondie

    I'm so glad I'm out...I wish I had done it sooner but I don't obsess about it. I have my dear Irreverent by my side. I consider it a learning experience. Compared to the sexual abuse and growing up with an alcoholic parent, the WTS abuse seems tame.


  • jayhawk1

    Doing great. In fact I have started going to College to better myself. That's something I was afraid to do while I was a JW.

  • minimus

    Seeker, you're having 4 or 5 JW dreams per week???? WOW!! You need some help, man! Get outta there! Regarding your dream, you are trying to believe that you CAN get along with almost all JWs, just fine. When someone DOES shun you, you dissect him---as only you could do.

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