My phone call last week

by LennyinBluemont 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty

    Did that idiot of an elder give you a headache?

    He sure gave me one as I was reading his psychobabble.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    It read like an intricate "Who's On First".... you played it very well. What a bunch of schmucks!

  • crazyblondeb

    I feel like my head is spinning off. Is yours still attached??? You did great!!

    Let us know what happens!

  • Scully

    Good grief. Doesn't that just take the cake? I could see them getting their panties in a wad if you went to a rally supporting war... but one that has the goal of peace? Are they kidding?????

  • candidlynuts

    my way or the highway kind of guy isnt he?

    you did well sticking to your issue.. why submit to a JC when you dont know who's accusing you, if the email he mentions is even from your email account, so many reasons why YOU should have your questions answered before you submit to a JC.

  • Poztate

    Lenny...You are great...I would have lost it and told him to shove it up his ASS They do love total control and nothing else will do.

  • Purza

    Wow. I read the whole thing. I don't know what is more maddening, the fact they wouldn't give you any information or the circles you were drawing around each other. Did you have a headache when it was over? Sheesh -- I would have.

    Best to you -- keep us informed.


  • Stealth453

    Dear sweet jesus loaf on toast!!!!

    That was the hardest read in a long time.

    Too many bad memories.

    Time for a drink...

  • jwfacts

    You were great, I don't know how you held it together for so long.

    Almost every elders discussions almost always sounds identical. I can understand how the society gets mindless following of rules, but to be able to get elders to all speak with such mindless precision is incredible. I know a lot of companies that would buy the formula so as to be able to turn their employees into corporate zombies always speaking in accord to corporate policy regardless of whether it makes sense.

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