Greg Stafford releases JWD 3

by AliveinChrist 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AliveinChrist

    Greetings group

    I saw today that Stafford is going to be releasing a third addition of his “Jehovah’s Witnesses Defended’ publication at a pre-sale price, on his web site at

    It will be of interest to those of us who have read his publications to see what changes will be in version 3 that were not in version 2, since the release of his Three Dissertations book, which was a more candid look at the history of the WT history and doctrinal changes. However, JWD in my opinion was perhaps the only book that defends certain beliefs of the Witnesses and the NWT bible that is worth reading, since Stafford is a very gifted, well educated, and critical writer. I think that the treatment of the use of the Divine Name and the Trinity were very well written and are by far represents the most informative and scholarly writing on the subject so far. I could only wish that more witnesses would be interest in these subjects and come to appreciate the amount of research Stafford has done on these subjects, especially the use and treatment of the name ‘Jehovah’ in both the OT and the NT, as well as how the name has been used throughout history.

    I know that most of us as ex-JW’s still hold to some of the doctrinal teachings of the WT with respect to the name Jehovah and the Trinity, so Stafford’s current position I believe represents where most of us are at, agreeing with certain WT teachings that are clearly articulated in the bible, while being greatly concerned with the WT’s changing history and self importance. I believe that Stafford’s goal in his Three Dissertations publication was to bring out into the spotlight and public debate the historicity of the witnesses that is too often concealed among the majority of Witnesses. Perhaps the best thing about the publication was that it was not written by an ‘active opposer, ’ but instead from there best online apologist who has since gone on to have video taped debates with two of the most outspoken critics of the Witnesses concerning the Trinity doctrine. This position of Stafford’s makes it hard for both Witnesses to say that he is just an apostate or disgruntled ex-witnesses, and for most evangelistical Christians to say that he has not been objective or honest about the entire package that a Witnesses hands new converts, or that he is simply blindly following the Watchtower.

    Stafford has seemly managed to position himself in a way that he can publicly criticize doctrine taught by most mainstream conservative protestant and catholic churches concerning the trinity doctrine and the use of the name Jehovah in the bible without the negative association that carrying the dirty laundry of the history of the Watchtower organization would bring. It will be of interest to me to see what effect his new release of Jehovah’s Witnesses Defended with have among the apologist on both sides of the issues.

    What are you thoughts on this?

    In Christ,


    [email protected]

  • Honesty
    I know that most of us as ex-JW’s still hold to some of the doctrinal teachings of the WT with respect to the name Jehovah and the Trinity

    Not this one.

  • Kenneson


    Nor this one.

  • Poztate
    I know that most of us as ex-JW’s still hold to some of the doctrinal teachings of the WT with respect to the name Jehovah and the Trinity

    You just started posting here but you know "most of us still hold to teachings"

    BULLSHIT...Start to look around without your rose colored WT glasses on.

    BTW....Welcome to JWD....The real TRUTH... to the JW CULT

  • AuldSoul


    Welcome. I agree with Poztate, although I wouldn't have worded it quite that way. But, you know how those Canadians are known for being rude .

    I don't know an answer to everything, but I can compare the core doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses just as critically against the Bible as Jehovah's Witnesses can manage with any other organized religion. What I mean is, I don't know the truth about everything, nor do I claim to, but I do know that if anyone claims that the core doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses are based on the Bible they are supporting and promoting a lie.


  • WildHorses

    I could be wrong, but I get this strong feeling that the poster is Greg himself. If so, hello Greg.

  • TheListener

    That website has been promising a new book for some time now. If it actually comes out I will check it out. Greg has been kind of quiet for a while now. I think some of his writings got him into hot water.

  • willyloman
    I could be wrong, but I get this strong feeling that the poster is Greg himself.

    My guess is that Stafford would know how to spell "edition."

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog
    I know that most of us as ex-JW’s still hold to some of the doctrinal teachings of the WT with respect to the name Jehovah and the Trinity, so Stafford’s current position I believe represents where most of us are at, agreeing with certain WT teachings that are clearly articulated in the bible, while being greatly concerned with the WT’s changing history and self importance.

    Speak for yourself.


    Looks to me like you're deadinyoursins

  • slimboyfat
    My guess is that Stafford would know how to spell "edition."

    I wouldn't be so sure, considering his spelling of "site" throughout the second "addition".


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