nytelecom1, Frank(? any relation to Fred?) Hall, and the wiz,
Nobody, and obviously not anybody on this thread, is really blanket condemning all of Jehovah's Witnesses. As some have pointed out elsewhere, the glee expressed on WOL is not likely representative of how the rank and file feel. Not all JWs are "morons."
In fact, of all days, yesterday was the first time I came face to face with a real, live Jehovah's Witness since my disassociation. It was an elder, no less, who is now serving at another Hall as my Hall split about a year ago. We were in a hospital waiting room and witnessed live the second plane crashing into the South Tower, the President's remarks, etc. He did not greet me by name. But neither did he completely shun me. He, rather, treated me like he would any stranger standing by and we traded comments on the horrific events.
In the back of my mind I was wondering if he would use the tragedy as a 'talking point' with others in the waiting room. Captive audience and all. Now, where did that thinking on my part come from? The three of you, if you are honest, will reply that it came from my years of JW training to seize on current news events to further the spreading of the kingdom good news!!!
And what many are decrying here, in this and other threads, is how often the WTS has urged the publishers to do just that! And also how the WT magazine pointed to the events of the 20th century (and now has had to revise its literature since we made it to the 21st) as the beginning of the Great Tribulation time and time again! And already, people on this board are hearing from JW relatives that THIS is it!!!
Meanwhile, it is very nice that the Society opened its doors and gave refreshment and haven to those escaping over the bridges on foot from the southern tip of Manhattan Island. What is astounding to me is that this is thought of as SPECIAL in any way. It is NOT special. It is NOT a great show of true Christian love, either. It is just an act of human kindness, of which there were myriad yesterday. So the Society opened its doors (the website is very vague as to whom and to how many. As a former PR person, they could have just opened their doors to JWs only and the release would still be technically true, but I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt).
Doors were being opened all over the place. One would expect nothing less from the so-called 'true' religion, right?
Anyway, I am happy to report that my former elder did NOT prey on the emotions of those in the waiting room. But knowing him as I do, he certainly WILL use it as a 'talking point' in this weekend's field service. GUAR - AN - TEED!!!!
And that will STILL be too soon with wounds too fresh and will be inappropriate.
Better to offer prayer (and NOT the "Please, Jehovah, make the survivors and mourners come into the organization now, quick!" variety) and compassion.
Par dessus toutes choses, soyez bons. La bonte est ce qui ressemble le plus a Dieu et ce qui desarme le plus les hommes -- Lacordaire