Society's Press Release about the tragedy

by Esmeralda 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovejah

    I don't know if any of you guys caught on to the fact the President Bush said yesterday "peace and security". Guys go look up 1 Tes. 5:3 and there it says that when men are saying peace and security then quick destruction will come. we are living in the final days guys, let's make sure we are rejoicing Jehovah's heart.

  • NameWithheld

    Just like Bush Sr said that, just like the UN made 1986 the 'year of peace and security?'. Just like countless other political figures have said the same? That's their job - to molify the people.

    Just like old Nostradomus (sp?) the bible has so many vauge prophesies that you can make any event fit something.

    War=sign of the end
    Peace & Security=time of the end

    Nice when you can have your cake and eat it too!

  • messenger



    Lets see how many times has that expression been used in the last 500 years. For you to make the expression "peace and security" as a sure sign the end is near is like saying "I like coffee" is another sure expression of a sign of the end.

    I hate to tell you this, NOT!

    But then again if you place enough require brochures and knowledge books god might decide to kill six billion people because you are such a good salesman.


    Damn you guys are entertaining.

  • Bridgette

    Now, I don't want to disparage your posts, and I welcome you aboard, but just a simple reminder: Do you remember 1986? It was internationally DECLARED the year of "Peace & Security".
    It's called a soundbyte, lovey. Who really knows? I decided a long time ago (and the prevailing attitude of JW's that I've witnessed here in the past 2 days have reiterated) that I really do not wish to live in a "paradise" with such unloving people...forever, and ever, and ever........


  • VeniceIT

    LoveJah: HE said people want 'Peace and Secuirty' he was not proclaiming it. Secondly I hope he uses the NTW so he can make sure to get the wordign JUST RIGHT

    Frank: Bite me apostates.----Dang if only I'd had my rabie's shot.


    "WE will make NO distinction between those who commit the act of Pedophilia and those who harbor them!!!"

  • Esmeralda

    larc said:

    Did Bethel send in its medical staff to help the victims? Did they shut down the printing plant for just one day to help with rescue work? Did they open up the Kingdom Halls to the public for prayer and comfort? We are not talking about lone individuals here. We are talking about the considerable resources of an organization that were not used in any way to help the suffering.

    You took the words right out of my mouth, larc! I just made that exact remark to my husband about the medical staff right before I read your post.

    Or how about just out and out donations, from a large "organization" that makes its home very near the target of these attacks?

    Hell, the company my husband works for announced today that it is sending thousands of dollars to the Red Cross. This from a company that has no direct ties to NY or the WTC.

    They think that God's Kingdom is going to cure everything. Tell that to the children of the people who aren't coming home tonight. And don't tell me about the resurrection. I don't believe in fairy tales anymore.


  • thewiz

    I believe in the bible. I believe that Noah's flood was an actual historical event. I can only assume that children died at that time.
    And that Armageddon is coming.
    And the people will be held accountable for not teaching their generations about God.

    how do I deal with this dilemma? I try not to.

    Because, Jesus prophesied about the destruction of Jerusalem did it mean he took delight in the plight of those people? Hardly.
    Because it is prophesied about some future event called Armageddon does that mean, God will take joy in it? Hardly

    Even Jehovah, does not delight in the destruction of the wicked. Of which he is the judge, no one else.

    I find it inconceivable that there are JWs applauding this awful tragedy in any way. Maybe that's the impression that JW & WTBS haters get. But in all my years as a JW or former JW, or whatever the hell it is, that I am, I have NEVER heard anyone applaud human misery. Do they look forward to the destruction of this ungodly system? Yes they do.

    BTY what does WOL mean. Witneses-On-Line? I think I've been there but can't remember.

    I come here to get open mindedness but for the most part I see hate.

    I had lived in RI for 27 years. Yet in the daily news email from WJAR I seen, 4 RIer's are suspected of dying in the attack. I guess that means RIer's are only concerned with the 4 RI's that died. That's just foolish thinking. No it's because it hits very close to home, that's all.

    In Schindler's list, a jewish proverb is quoted Don't quote me, it's been a while.

    "He that saves an individual saves the world entire."

    3 cups of water are sufficient. It's the action that makes all the difference in the world.

    I was sickened by those people who were cheering in the mid-east over what happened. I do not condone violent behavior. However, it did made me think. My first inclination, like many is to bomb the hell out of them. But it's not the answer.

    These people for the most part have lived thier entire lives with destructive forces. They are saying, "welcome to the club. Now you know what it means to grieve over someone dying over a terroist attack. Now you can cry over your babies that have died, like I did when my baby died from a USA made bomb. You live with your games and air-conditoned homes, your pets that you feed, seemingly unaware or unconcerned. While we are starving, we are dying, we are suffering and we are people too, just like you."

    I think it's a joke that many in the USA think that US bombs only kill bad people. Well in one instance the USA vaporized 98,000 people in one shot. Their target, japanese civilians. Not in just one place but in two, several days apart. If you were at ground zero in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, wouldn't you feel you were attacked by terrorists? Talk about 2 bldgs. How about 2 entire cities and your entire way of life, gone. Everyone, not just some, you knew were gone. No good-byes, no nothing. THe USA calls that freedom?

    Again let me reiterate, I do not condone this action or anything like it. I have shed my tears and expressed my sorrow and rage as all of you have. I am simply making the point that from the perspective of the individual, a terrorist can take on many forms.

    BTY who was it that dropped those bombs? It was persons who claimed to be the all loving "christians"

    You people are isolating a small group of people and blaming them for everything that's wrong with the world. It's the whole world society that is to blame. Not just JWs or the WTBS.

    The USA has to take some of the blame for the world scene as it exists today. They aren't the peace makers they are just the arbitrators of violence. The finger pointer.

  • jukief

    thewiz, I believe you when you say you don't look forward to the death of mankind at god's hands. But can you deny that you pray for the new system to come? And that means that you're also praying for Armageddon to come, which means you're praying for the majority of mankind, including children and babies, to be slaughtered by your god and his angels. It's easy to forget about this part of it and focus on the "glorious new system," but you have to live with the reality that if your Armageddon comes as you hope and pray, you'll witness some of the most horrifying events imaginable. If you choose to believe in--and even reverently worship--a god who could do such a thing, be my guest. But that's why I refuse to believe in god, at least the god the JWs worship and especially the god of the old testament.

  • julien
    thewiz, I believe you when you say you don't look forward to the death of mankind at god's hands. But can you deny that you pray for the new system to come? And that means that you're also praying for Armageddon to come, which means you're praying for the majority of mankind, including children and babies, to be slaughtered by your god and his angels. It's easy to forget about this part of it and focus on the "glorious new system," but you have to live with the reality that if your Armageddon comes as you hope and pray, you'll witness some of the most horrifying events imaginable.

    For example if in one week the society decide that this WAS in fact the start of the GT, and issued a statement to all JWs that the plane crashes were in actually orchestrated by YHWH (using the terrorists as his tool) what would the R&F JWs do.. ? start rejoicing ? if they truly believed that YHWH *DID* really do it you bet they would. So it boils down to this:

    if terrorists destroy tens of thousands of lives ooh that is horrible. What is the difference when God destroys 6 billion lives?

    What a lot of us here are trying to get JWs to understand is how utterly abhorrent their "final solution" for man's happiness truly is.

  • messenger

    In a post above the "bomb" being dropped on Japan was described in negative terms. This must be a person who is young and naive regarding the basis for the action taken. If you look into history, Japan was willing to fight to the last man, woman, and child standing. They had armed women and children with bamboo spears and training on how to use them. For a ground force invasion it would have cost the lives of thousands of military personnel with hand to hand combat for every foot of land taken. The Japanese were thoroughly indoctrinated through their government that death was far better than defeat. The "bomb" was a clear alternative to a people who were all by and large planning to die defending the emperor who they believed to be a god by the way. Up comes the religion thing again with a strange irony to what happened yesterday. Suicide pilots, have a familiar ring?

    So the question is, should the USA commit thousands of American lives to conquer a people who train their children to kill from the moment they can carry a rifle? Is it worth it to invade a country where anyone can be an enemy including women and children? Anyone remember Vietnam? How can you win a war with odds such as this? If Ben Laden is turned over and he is executed, won't that just make him a martyr that will be deified for the next generation of religious nuts to vindicate?

    Much like the Japanese there is only one thing these type people understand, death. Otherwise described as overwhelming insurmountable destruction. Of course, according to their religion they go straight to heaven, so you are really doing them a favor helping them to get there quicker.

    Anything less than this alternative will just cost many more lives, spend billions of tax dollars that accomplish nothing and give these people the impetus to commit greater acts of terrorism. In my opinion the choice is simple, either send Ben Laden a thank you card, or nuke wherever he is at off the face of the earth. That would give people who understand nothing less, a clear picture of why you best leave Americans alone.

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