"What kind of illegal fireworks? What is your address? You need to turn these in to your local police station today. Plus I think this board doesn't allow people to speak about illegal activity or endorsing property damage like that." said papajohn. WOW you must have been one of the most popular kids in school(read sarcasticly). You can't be serious. Please tell us your not a wet blanket. S.
4th of July
by seahart 22 Replies latest jw friends
Darth Yhwh
Well, I purchased some legal and non-legeal pyrotechnics the other day. If it would stop raining in my neck of the woods, I plan on taking my children outside and lighting them off in my residential neighborhood . Oh the horror!
PJ, I believe that your way of thinking is one of the very reasons we celebrate this holiday. It is not against the law(yet) in the state of WA. to have fireworks. In a controlled enviroment these are very safe. When alcohol or drugs are involved not so safe. But people like yourself need to quit trying protect ourselves from ourselves.Thanks for your time.S.