Half come back? Of those, how many are DF'd again or become inactive or irregular? The other half didn't come back, they are gone for good. No more pretense for them. And the DA's rarely go back either.
From my experience of observing lots of different ones getting DFd over the years, I would say about half that got DFd did get reinstated and out of those that got reinstated, at least half, if not more, became inactive.
Technically speaking, half may get reinstated, but in reality it's more like 20-25% that actually go back to becoming a practicing Jehovah's Witness.
How does the WTS count reinstated ones on the tally sheet at the end of the year? Are they "new"? Or do the number of publishers just go up? Or do the number of DFd ones offset the number of reinstated ones and it's a wash? Or do they just make up a bunch of shit and pass it off as the official count?