You call it "nonsensical."
World in general is submerged in non-sense [see how the world goes on a spree of increasing population when they know that resources are fast depleting--is it not like spending recklessly when income is decreasing?]. Hence no wonder you see no sense in my post.
If you transform mud into food, we call this AGRICULTURE.
If you make food into flesh and bone, we call this digestion, INTEGRATION.
If you make flesh into mud, we call this CREMATION.
Now repeat: if you transform mud into food, we call this AGRICULTURE, and if you design the very progamme of transforming mud into food, what will you call it? Chance, evolution, proof that a designer does not exist ….
Today, science is telling us that everything is the same energy manifesting itself in a million different ways. If that is so, what you call the Divine, what you call a stone, what you call a man or a woman .... are all the same energy functioning in different ways (like the same electricity becomes light, sound and so many other things, depending upon the technology). How can we say that energy can exist only in the forms we can know with our senses or scientific tools, and energy cannot exist in the form beyond our scientific equipment can not reach?