by DannyHaszard 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DannyHaszard
    Articulator Manipulator the "truth" is worth lying for

    Breathtaking blaspheme! 1914 conception deception...bait 'n switch...flip the script... Declaration to news media July 2 2006 "..While Jehovah's Witnesses do not try to pin a date on Jesus' return, the end times prophesies in the Bible are being fulfilled, said Ruben Ramirez, one of the conference organizers

    Jehovah's Witness convention draws thousands to Ford Park
    Beaumont Enterprise, TX - 7-2-06
    ... Mendoza was among about 5,000 Jehovah's Witnesses from throughout the region gathering in Beaumont over the weekend to ready themselves spiritually for the end ...

    BEAUMONT - Manuel Mendoza has had many doors slammed in his face during his house to house evangelizing, but he says with the second coming near, the urgency of spreading the good news keeps him motivated.

    "We're living in the end times and we have to be prepared," said Mendoza, a 32-year-old Houston resident.

    Mendoza was among about 5,000 Jehovah's Witnesses from throughout the region gathering in Beaumont over the weekend to ready themselves spiritually for the end of this world, which they believe is imminent.

    While Jehovah's Witnesses do not try to pin a date on Jesus' return, the end times prophesies in the Bible are being fulfilled, said Ruben Ramirez, one of the conference organizers. The convention was held in Spanish and almost all of the attendees were Hispanic. Some grew up in the faith, while others converted as adults.

    Among the fastest-growing Jehovah's Witnesses communities are those in Latin America, said Dean Hansen, one of the conference organizers.

    "Latinos have a deep spiritual need and they receive us very well," Hansen said.

    Raymond Contreras became a Witness 30 years ago, drawn to the group by its biblical principles and loving community, he said.

    While still a minority among a minority, Witnesses are not as alien to the predominately Catholic Hispanic community as before. During his door-to-door evangelizing, he finds more and more households have a friend or relative who is a Witness, Contreras said.

    But according to a religious identification study done in 2001 by the City University of New York, that growth might have leveled off. While the number of Hispanics in the United States identifying themselves as Catholic fell, only Pentecostals and non-denominational Christians saw any growth among Hispanics, and it was slight.

    The biggest growth was among Hispanics claiming no religion.

    Still, the door-to-door evangelizing has been one of the Witnesses' most effective tools, Hansen said. The home visits and follow-up Bible studies by Witnesses demonstrate a high level of sincerity and personal concern to those they are trying to reach, he said.

    Besides the usual obstacles to evangelizing, Witnesses must also contend with the weird looks their beliefs and practices can elicit.
    Contreras said he often has to explain why Witnesses do not celebrate Christmas, which they consider a pagan, rather than a Christian, holiday.

    Other beliefs also set them apart from most other Christian denominations. Witnesses reject the doctrine of the trinity and do not believe Jesus was equal to God.

    There are 6.6 million Witnesses worldwide, according to church literature.
    The weekend's conference wraps up today. The public is welcome to attend. There is no admission fee, and no collection is taken.

    Among the highlights of the convention will be a full-costume drama showing scenes from the Bible today at 11:30 a.m.
    ----------- "..advertise,advertise,advertise Christ enthronement in 1914.."Watchtower war cry for 100 years! Danny Haszard comment- The Watchtower cult charlatans hoaked and hooked us all,it's like a US citizen finding out the US constitution is a fraud and never existed! I could make endless outcries on this abomination.I was born 3rd generation JW in 1957 i myself have bravely marched up to tens of thousands of my neighbors homes to declare Jesus Christ return in 1914 Notable quotables by Watchtower apologist: pre 1980~ "all the evil slave wanna do is talk about 1914" year 2006~ "all the apostate wanna do is talk about 1914" "all the apostates wanna do is talk negative" "we don't serve Jehovah for a date" "no matter what Jehovah is still using this organization" "we dedicated our lives to Jehovah not an organization" How do you pick up a turd by it's clean end?

  • blondie

    Of course, you realize that the WTS/JWs speak of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 returns of Christ.



    1918 (to inspect the temple)


    in the 1940's


    and some unknown date, soon, very soon now where he will come with the angels to destroy everyone who is not a JW

  • DannyHaszard

    Ergo,no 1914 then there can be no 1918 inspection and sealing of the 'anointed' so the entire Watchtower cult doctrinal superstructure comes crashing down like a house of cards. 1914 generations http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/109157/1.ashx our thread on 1914 'generations' km 10/93 p. 8 Using Our Magazines From House to House The purpose of Awake! is stated clearly on page 4 of each issue: "This magazine builds confidence in the Creator’s promise of a peaceful and secure new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away The central CORE doctrine of the Watchtower,the reason they came into existence was to proclaim Jesus Christ second coming in 1914.They will now deny that they ever made this claim,that's called 'bait and switch'

    For 50 plus years the masthead of the Watchtower,viewed when you opened up to the inside front cover would read as follows:

    "This magazine(Watchtower) builds up confidence in the Creators PROMISE of a peaceful and secure "new world" before the generation "that witnessed" the EVENTS OF 1914 passes away"".
    By their own admission the Watchtowers has published this dogma in hundreds of millions of pieces of their own literature.

    They deleted this false adventist millerite derived prophecy in 1995 because it had failed.

    The Watchtower leadership has "purged" hundreds of thousands of followers over the years for failing to uphold the 1914 (Jesus came to power) loyalty oath to this now defunct dogma.

    The Bible clearly warns to turn away from false prophets. May 15 1984 WT

    May 15 1984  WT whatwillthe1970sbring10-8-1968.jpg whatitmeans_small.jpg

  • DannyHaszard
    Jehovah's Witnesses ready for round two click Henderson Gleaner, KY - Jul 3, 2006
    Tri-State Jehovah's Witnesses said the first weekend of their convention was successful and now are gearing up for the second round that will begin 9:30 am ...

    Posted by Franklin (Matthew Brown) on July 4, 2006 at 7:45 p.m. (Suggest removal) HAHAHA....You apostates are the DUMBEST people I've ever encountered. Hmm... Matthew 24:48 “But if ever that evil slave should say in his heart, ‘My master is delaying,’ 49 and should start to beat his fellow slaves and should eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards, 50 the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know, 51 and will punish him with the greatest severity and will assign him his part with the hypocrites. There is where [his] weeping and the gnashing of [his] teeth will be. Yup. Seems like you guys. Can't wait to Jehovah destroys you. ---------------------------------- Posted by MaryTaylor (Mary Taylor) on July 5, 2006 at 7:34 a.m. Franklin (Matthew Brown) said "..Can't wait till Jehovah destroys you" Do you Jehovah Witness think before you click?

    Your fundamentalist rant sounds like this:"I can't wait till my God destroys you"--Osama bin Laden

  • daniel-p

    Danny, I just spent about ten minutes staring at your "Articulator Manipulator" - my eyes glazed over under its hypnotic quality. Guess I need more coffee this morning, eh? LOL!!

  • skeptic2

    While Jehovah's Witnesses do not try to pin a date on Jesus' return, the end times prophesies in the Bible are being fulfilled, said Ruben Ramirez, one of the conference organizers.

    Danny thanks for time you take to create these posts!

    When I read the above statement, I assume they mean 'we dont try to pin a date on armageddon', rather than referring to 1914... am I wrong?

  • DannyHaszard
    When I read the above statement, I assume they mean 'we dont try to pin a date on armageddon', rather than referring to 1914... am I wrong?

    Go back and read it again please. Another high traffic post from the hit & run dub Jehovah's Witness convention is expected to draw 10,000
    Henderson Gleaner, KY - Jun 23, 2006 Posted by Franklin (Matthew Brown) on July 4, 2006 at 8:12 p.m. Keep on working it apostates. Jehovah WILL wipe you out. Matthew 24:48 “But if ever that evil slave should say in his heart, ‘My master is delaying,’ 49 and should start to beat his fellow slaves and should eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards, 50 the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know, 51 and will punish him with the greatest severity and will assign him his part with the hypocrites. There is where [his] weeping and the gnashing of [his] teeth will be. You SURELY are beating your brothers. I LOVE it that prophecy is being fullfilled. Bye bye ---------- This IS how all hard core Watchtower cult followers think and feel just like murderous cult leader Jim Jones.-Danny Haszard

  • wednesday

    you are right Danny, all long time jws have hate in their heart for anyone who opposes the WTS. They hav no idea what the love of God actually means, just the love of "mother" the wts.

  • DannyHaszard
    Declaration to news media July 2 2006 "..While Jehovah's Witnesses do not try to pin a date on Jesus' return, the end times prophesies in the Bible are being fulfilled, said Ruben Ramirez, one of the conference organizers

    This is a total mealy-mouthing flip-flop they have gone on for a hundred years 'fearlessly' declaring JESUS RETURN IN 1914The Jehovah's Witnesses who died in Nazi death camps took their stand for the 'real kingdom of 1914'.

    All over the web i see news releases that promote Jehovah's Witnesses as good ole boys & girls who 'work for God's Kingdom' {Matthew 6:10} NOW they want to be seen as mainstream just like all the folks who do the 'our father' prayer

    HELLO! The Watchtower has judged as dead (myself included) HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of SOULS for not upholding the "Jesus came to power 1914 loyalty oath" read the 1980 yearbook about all the great sifting that took place after 1914.

    Watchtower you serve the Devil

  • Leolaia
    The Jehovah's Witnesses who died in Nazi death camps took their stand for the 'real kingdom of 1914'.

    They also died for their faith that only Jehovah and Jesus are to be recognized as "superior authorities". This is stated, for example, in the following: "Years before Nazism ascended to power in Germany [i.e. in 1929] God's people had learned that not national or even international governments were the 'higher powers' to which Christians must be subject, but that this high title belongs only to Jehovah God and His King Christ Jesus. The leading article in the previous issue of Consolation showed the complete failure of Nazism to budge Jehovah's witnesses from this Scriptural view of matters. All the horrors of the concentration camp could not shake them from allegiance to the true Higher Powers in heaven" (Consolation, 26 September 1945, p. 3). And yet, what the Nazis couldn't do with all their concentration camps the Society did for themselves in 1962 when they returned to the position they had before 1929.

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