Gerrit Lösch (it's pronounced kinda like "Lirsh") did two things at our DC (Portland, OR June 30-July 2). He released the new book about the minor prophets, and he gave the closing talk, the one with the resolution in it.
First of all, Lösch was not promoted to the Governing Body because of his speaking ability. He's very dry and has an unpleasant accent. He has a creaky, dry, dusty voice. He is given to odd, cryptic threads that go nowhere and humor of the variety that is unrecognizable until five minutes later. He also employs a lot of JW jargon that would be totally unrecognizable and fly right over the heads of any actual members of the public who happened to be enticed into the statium by all the 16 year old "sisters" in tight revealing clothing.
He said a couple of weird things. One was about sports, he was being all secretive and speaking in a confidential manner: "Jehovah's servants must be careful to avoid sports that exist to promote violence. I REPEAT! Jehovah's servants must be careful to avoid sports that exist to promote violence. Can you think of any sports in the US that exist to promote violence? I won't name any, I'll allow you to draw your own conclusions." Perhaps the fact that we were sitting in an arena that is primarily used for ice hockey had something to do with it.
The second weird thing was the resolution. I suppose this isn't really Lösch's fault, but still. He was all like "here is a resolution." And he started talking, it was like 7 or 10 points, the content has been well covered in previous threads so I won't go into it here, but it literally went on for like 10 or 15 minutes, I'm not exaggerating. I forgot he was even doing the resolution at one point, it went on for so long. Finally he goes "everyone who accepts and agrees with this resolution should say..." and just stops and holds his hand out. After like 5 seconds everyone realizes he's waiting for a response and there was a collective disjointed "Aye!"
Overall, not an impressive person. Maybe he "really loves Jehovah" or something.
Governing Body member Gerrit Lösch spoke at my District Convention
by under_believer 29 Replies latest jw friends
I am soooo happy that I don't have to attend those things anymore.
Having a GB member at a DC is quite a blessing.
These guys get around pretty well for having taken a vow of poverty and all
If they make the people affirm a resolution at a convention, shouldn't they provide each person attending the convention a copy of the resolution to which they said "AYE"?
Otherwise they will go home and forget the details of what they affirmed, especially if it takes 15 minutes for the speaker to read the resolution from the platform!
Be careful VM44, they just might take you up on that idea. I can see it now, each j-dub having to sign this resolotion in the presence of their bookstudy conductors.
He is given to odd, cryptic threads that go nowhere and humor of the variety that is unrecognizable until five minutes later.
This was a hilarious recap, these types of threads never get old.
Wasn't it the GB's resolution that they were telling the R & F about? Like they are setting an example for all. Why does the audience have to say "aye" when they [gb] are supposed to be the ones to say "aye"? [that "aye" thing was and is and always will be very corney]
He sounds like an odd, dysfunctional man. Oh, there's a surprise!