this is absolutely a revelation to me:
... we don't go out and say, "We're the only true religion."
J.R. Brown, public affairs director for Jehovah's Witnesses at the church's headquarters in Brooklyn, N.Y.
really :-O
i've not been a dub for a long time, but i'm amazed if they've changed that much. can anybody enlighten me?
what jehovah's witnesses don't say today, apparantly
by pepheuga 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think that you'll find that this alls into the category of 'theocratic warfare'... or what they tell the public - as opposed to what they tell the rank-and-file.
Jim TX
This is a classic example of the dishonesty engaged in while recruiting. Nothing doctrinal has changed, they do still believe and teach that they are the only true religion and the only ones god will not kill. What has changed is the recruiting technique. They used to announce itfrom the loud speakers now they wait till a new person has become invested into the JW community to lay the heavy stuff on them. But its not simply a matter of progreesive teaching a new disciple, its actual deception when they deny they teach something they actually do. The official WT website used to have a similar line about their teaching that JWs are the only ones destined to survive the firey Armagedon they preach. When asked if they believe Jws only will live, they lied and said NO. The next paragraph however subtly explained that unless someone yet became a JW they would die.
He is just a big fat liar!!!!
Greetings pepheuga,
:if they've changed that much. can anybody enlighten me?
They haven't. Careful, wear your boots.His comment is bullshit.
He was spinning shit, that's all.
1. Jesus started one true Christian religion. So today there must be just one body, or group, of true worshipers of Jehovah God. ( John 4:23, 24 ; Ephesians 4:4, 5 ) The Bible teaches that only a few people are on the narrow road to life.— Matthew 7:13, 14 .
we don't go out and say, "We're the only true religion."
What has changed is the recruiting technique. They used to announce itfrom the loud speakers now they wait till a new person has become
investedinto the JW community to lay the heavy stuff on them.Invested.... Infested.... it's all the same with this cult.
Brown blatently lied to the media. And, I'm sure he had no problem with it at all, condsidering, as others have pointed out, it's simply Theocratic Warfare. However, I wonder if he's read Proverbs 6:16. It doesn't make any concessions about Theocratic Warfare when it says, "There are six things that Jehovah does hate; yes seven things are destable to his soul:" Lying is one of them.
The ability to hold two thoughts--each contradicting the other--inside one's own mind is called cognative dissonance.Jehovah's Witnesses are specialists; the spokesman allowed both sides of his mind to speak.
As a J.W., I was taught WE had the truth and everyone else did not.
I was also taught only J.W.'s would survive Armaggedon.
If that is not the case, then why tell people they are part of "Babylon the Great" and they must "get out of her" if they did not want to be destroyed along with her?
I actually told people we didn't know who was going to survive and couldn't make that judgement, because it was up to God, knowing the whole time that it was a lie.