Is "spiceant" an active JW?

by rassillon 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • MinisterAmos

    Hey Spice

    I don't think the end coming in '75 was ever an official prophecy BUT there was an official prophecy made in 1975 in the pages of the WT that the end would come before the (then) young ones grew old. Is that the prophecy you mean?

    My favorite prophecy reversal was the one made in the October WT renouncing the then official reason for publishing the WT. That was the 1914 generational spin.

    Have you seen it?

  • kid-A

    I do believe in myself, i pray, i dont curse, i stopped masturbating, i stopped cursing, i stopped hating people, i did a lot of other things to but i am still not perfect.

    hugs and kisses from yours truly, Sander Buruma

    Obviously a troll-jokester, but rather amusing! LOL. I mean come on, Sander Buruma? That ranks up there with Yohann Stromboli !! LMAO

  • daystar

    kid-A... ... ... *pssst!!* Hey!! Google mofo!! Google!! Make sure you surround it with quotes..

  • kid-A

    Hee hee. Well Daystar, he seems to have some issues with the current global oil gotta love google!

    I am Sander Buruma, born dutch in holland (and have been dutch since).
    i am now 18 years old, i first found out about PO in a semi-gaming magazine in an article that (basicly) mentioned all the uses of oil and that it was ending, it left me in an alternating mood for the remainder of my life untill now (and im not ending it, just so you know). alternating between being very upset and sad to slightly delighted, related to my love and hate relationship with the rest of the world and my family.

  • spiceant

    Whatever i say is what i believe to be true at that point in time (that includes what i posted earlyer).

    kid-A, i am not aware of what exactly a troll-jokester is or who Yohann Stromboli is, i preassume that you dont have a high impression of both and that they portray wannabe or unimpressive characters. I stand by what i posted and that it is my heartfelt truth.

    As for the short time alotted from 11 months ago (finding out about Peak Oil), it was enough for me to spend a lot of time thinking. I quit a lot of my habbits and am spending less and less time on entertainment and more and more on following world events and some forums and sites. For example at the beginning of the 11 months above i spend a lot of my time playing a number of games, primarily World of Warcraft which i at the time thought was a nice getaway and a small paradise but it became less and less fun (altough there were many fun moments). Because i wanted to have some more money i quit WoW aprox 2-3 months later (i dont keep track of these things). After WoW, or shortly before i quit it i had lost my interest for Peak Oil information i picked up again and went searching.
    Some time (i dont keep track) as result of my google searching i become interested in the Anti Christ and the Mark of the beast and consequently some time later, the Illuminati (and i forgot how it had to do anything with that) which according to is a team of elite fokes including the US president that views "the people" as the "sheeple". A destructive and consumptive variant of sheeple at that to and if i were to believe what is telling then it is taking over control of sheeples lives more and more and has plans to eliminate 1/3 or more of the entire world population (and to enslave the rest). I forgot how it had to do anything with it and i didnt keep track of when it happened, but i tripped over a lot of bible quotes along the way and i become more interested in bible prophecy. I spend the majority of my free time on global issues and the bible.

    (3-6 months ago) Now beginning to believe the bible is the truth and good to read and good for life i started to the read the bible up from 4 chapters a day starting with genesis (hoping to become well informed and a good person, by reading the entire bible). Keeping up with my interest for potential global catastrophys i come across many sites and learn more about the world from many sites.

    3 Days after i started reading the bible, 2 JW's caught me at my home, alone (3 days after, not before). We had a small chat and managed to find out that we both thought the world that we know now is most probably not going to (even closely) reassemble what it is going to be like in the next 25 years. They left a litle booklet by the name of "what does the bible really teach (in dutch)", i wanted to get in touch with them again but i hadnt a faintest idea what their names were and there was no clear reference in the book itself, so i went on the internet and discovered 7 times 77 (or less) apostate sites, among which this one. I posted a thread asking for information about their congegrations (you can find that one) and i searched for "jehovah" in the online phonebook and started my attending of congegrations from there.

    I believe that we as a people have a hard time to determining what is what, how bad or good or bright or dark something is because we havent been given many references to compare situations to. (you cant weigh a thing without a counterbalance, point of reference). So, i try to get myself some points of reference (just recently). I also believe that a few or more (ex-)JWs might have made decisions they couldnt really make because of this.

    I have visited and still visit many of these sites (in what i think the chronological order is): (alarm, zealous host) (i advise this one),, I dont remember them all.

    These are google phrases a lost a lot of time to (in no specific order): Mark of the beast, Armageddon, 2012, Pole shift, "Pole shift" bible, Revelation, Illuminati, Peak oil, Oil crash, Consumerism, Sheeple, Colonialism, Federal reserve, 911 fraud and many more.

    I was diagnosed with PDD-nos some time ago, it is a quite odd diagnosis that basicly means (persuasive development disorder not other specified) i dont have any other autistic things like ADD or ADHD. PDD-nos from what i notice this means that i cannot get assemble comprehensible sentences quickly, meaning that i cannot argue in a heated debate, answer to indirect questions (what is the meaning of life) and it also ment that i was inhibited socially (and still am). If i prepare, i can speak well.

    I am memorizing a quote from the bible: Matthew 21:21 : Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. - New international Version.

    By that verse i intend to do many good things.

    Hugs and kisses from yours truly, Sander Buruma

    ps. is there an edit button?

  • carla

    I advise this one-

  • DannyBloem

    Hallo Sander,

    hoe gaat het? (how are you)

    thank you for your explanation. As you well know most of us here are former JW's. I am still a JW, but I can not agree with everything, to say it mildly.

    posting here at this site would probably be enough to be disfellowshipped, what is far from funny in my situation. Anyway, I am glad you are posting here for information. And of course all points of view are welcome.

    I think it wouls be wise to study the pro's and the con's of the witnesses first. When in, it is not very easy to get out.
    Also all of their books are really one sided, giving false conclusions and half truths. So, please examine other opinions.

    Danny Bloem

    ps. the edit can be found using the right mouse at the topic header of your post

  • rassillon

    i stopped masturbating
    kid-A Yeah, I stop masturbating all the time!

  • spiceant

    i did stop... masturbating. There arent many ways to misinterpretate that.

    Now if you will excuse me, i go to sleep so i can accuractly memorize what was taught tonight into a freshly brainwashed part of my brain.

  • spiceant

    I made a move of getting into their theocratic school and i intend to work my way up to and from reading their bible to them, in their bible reading program. I also intend to get to know the whole cong (80 dubs) and befriend just about everyone in it (and specificly 2 or more elders), i am trying to identify which elders have open minds but i am having a hard time with this, perhaps i can ask some really sharp questions (magic bullets) that would allow me to determine things better. In simple words. I try to dig my roots into this cong and be a good person and perhaps become a point of reference so the common dub in the cong can compare who is not and who might be a bad tree. For reference, nobody outside of this board knows anything of this.

    I (think i) feel a heartfelt responsebility to use the godgiven skills that i have and my godgiven brain and godgiven otherthings to help some potentially annointed, altough i am afraid the cong is severely infected by self serving people that selfishly hope and preach for paradise. I also believe there to be ravenous wolves that for now have their stomachs full but when a crisis hits there stomachs will start to run on empty (making them hungry wolves).

    I dont know what exactly Isa 30:26 refers to but i think it aplies, for when i manage to turn things.

    The moon will shine like the sun, and the sunlight will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven full days, when the LORD binds up the bruises of his people and heals the wounds he inflicted. -new international version

    So in the end, what questions do i ask elders to see if they are open minded? I considder each word i speak carefully and i will not utter some phrases unless asked or untill my roots are entrenched. I do believe i can get very far with 2 words, hypocrites and idols. I also believe to get some usefull insights from e-watchman. For refence, i still do believe in the bible, Jehovah as god and 'the end times' within 10 years.

    Hugs and kisses from yours truly, Sander Buruma

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