Fluff Topic for the evening: What would you have pursued if you could have?

by restrangled 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • puck

    i would have done a lot more theatre, too. but it's not too late! my girlfriend and i are in the middle of getting our own theatre company up and running -- our first show opens the end of this month. (and let me tell you... none of the witnesses i know would approve of it! all the better! )


  • Robdar

    i would have done a lot more theatre, too. but it's not too late! my girlfriend and i are in the middle of getting our own theatre company up and running -- our first show opens the end of this month. (and let me tell you... none of the witnesses i know would approve of it! all the better! )


    Break a leg, Puck.


  • OpenFireGlass
    Openfireglass, expand on your artwork!

    I mostly wor in Hot Glass (glassblowing) now... but I also work with metal(welding) and wood(joining)... At the moment, Due to a horrible economy for small studio artist, I'm doing land management for private property(kinda like landscaping, cutting up trees that have fallen across fire roads etc...)

    I'll be back to my creative side in time to cash in on christmas though...

    I contantly drew(is that a word) as a child(always getting whacked at assemblies for drawing and not taking notes; even if I was Drawing the speaker and stage set up).. I also used to be really good at drawing cars, and did a series of drawings of World Cup(sailing) pictures in the 6th grade that won a general school art contest... The I progressed to human form/faces, which inevitibly led me to drawing skulls which my parents hated (I remember my dad refering to a drawind as satanic, cause it was a human skull...I pointed out the jehovah created us with skulls WTF?)


  • puck

    thanks, robdar!

    we've done a lot of shows in the past (and my gf recently got her master's in directing), but this is our first effort at having our own company... hopefully it goes well... see, even if you *were* raised a jw, you can still do what you wanted sometimes.


  • Robdar

    OFG: ...Mind you; My parents hated my artistic abillities (glad I didn't end up a watchtower artist)... 2 years ago, an artist came into our art gallery showing me his work. I took one look at it and asked him if he had ever seen the illustrations in the Watchtower and Awake magazines. He started laughing and told me that he's a former JW and was greatly influenced by the art work in the literature. He had just runaway from home and come to the big city to try to find employment.

  • Quandry

    Well, even while I was in I wanted to go back to college. Had one year before becomming a witness. Hubbie said no-bad example to set. He was an obedient elder. Finally, it seemed that the Society softened its stance a bit, so I started in again. The class that I dearly loved was geology. I would never have guessed. I also have a great interest in paleontology. Only trouble is, I am over 50 now and must work full time at a low paying job because I had not finished any higher education. By the time I will get a degree, no one would hire me as a geologist. I will continue to go, though, because even at my age the discoveries are exciting. Learning is a pleasure.(except math)

    At least my family is all out now, I do not feel guilty about my child getting a proper education so that she can take care of herself.

  • restrangled


    I am so impressed, Glass blowing!!! that is huge. My son has a similar past, always "drew" no matter what, his best stuff consists of war scenes, guns, skulls, WW2 aircraft and tanks, cars etc. The detail is mind blowing. He suddenly became very good at nude women....too good as far as his mother is concerned(I won't go into detail)! On the other hand he has had art teachers from college begging him to move over to another college.

    Anyway, good luck to you and post some of your work sometime, will you?

    Best regards,


  • Quandry

    Almost forgot, Restrangled. You state that this is the fluff topic of the day. I disagree totally!!!! I feel that this is a most important topic.

    Many on this forum were made to feel bad about their talents or abilities as they were growing up. They had to go without an education or work at dead-end jobs because they wanted to please the Organization and/or perhaps families. They felt guilty like I did for wanting to learn, and make enough money to take a vacation. Many who post here have insightful comments. I'm sure many could have pursued interesting careers or endeavors had they been encouraged. I also would like to know what interests others have.

    Thanks for starting this topic.

  • serendipity

    I would have pursued a hobby/hobbies. Still can't figure out what I want to do for fun.

  • restrangled

    Dear Quandry,

    I admire you, and agree with you about math. Why do you feel no one would hire you after you graduate? You could certainly be involved in the field in some way.

    I want to go back to college but feel too tired to start. In addition to what I mentioned at the beginning of my post, my big love is science, especially the break down of atoms, quarks, the solar system, black holes, etc.

    I feel too intimidated to go back, (47) so just continue to read, read, read.

    Good luck to you and keep us posted as to your education.


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