Vulnerable, the JW or the apostate?

by Fatfreek 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fatfreek

    In my internet browsing I've seldom come across expressions of non-jw's fearing contact with JW's -- as if the JW beliefs would rub off on us, or contaminate us. On the other hand, during my years-ago meeting attendance and reading of the WT publications this seemed to be a perpetual theme -- be on guard, watch your faith. It was as if one week away from the meetings would place an irrepairable dent in the Witness armour. It was as if one conversation with a DF'd person would be the first step toward the outside.
    If their faith is so strong, why all the paranoia?
    Do you fear the JW's now as much as you feared the apostates when you were a JW?

  • parakeet

    ***It was as if one conversation with a DF'd person would be the first step toward the outside.***

    I don't fear JWs, only pity them. They are the vulnerable ones because most have brains capable of thinking logically, but they're forced to suppress their natural reasoning abilities constantly in order to stay in line with WTS thinking.
    If they were to allow one shred of common sense to start rattling around in their heads, their whole rattletrap belief system might start to crumble. JWs who fervently wish to remain JWs have much more to fear from apostates. Yes, even one conversation with a DFed person could be "dangerous" to a JW who wishes to hold tight to their illusions.
    The WTS knows what it's doing when it forbids JWs to listen to apostates--a free interchange of ideas is deadly to thought control tactics.

  • Honesty
    Do you fear the JW's now as much as you feared the apostates when you were a JW?



    As a matter of fact I search for them when I am out of town (local JW's hide from me?) so that I can share salvation by Grace though faith in Jesus with them.

  • Fatfreek

    Well stated, Parakeet.

    The WTS knows what it's doing when it forbids JWs to listen to apostates--a free interchange of ideas is deadly to thought control tactics.

    I have a favorite quotation, in line with that good thought of yours:

    The passion for freedom of the mind is strong and everlasting, which is fortunate, because so is the passion to squelch it. A.M. Rosenthal, N.Y. Times

  • IP_SEC
    If their faith is so strong, why all the paranoia?

    They'll discuss an apostate christendummers views and beliefs all day in serivce, but are skeered to death of even shaking hands with an apsotate EXJW. Things that make ya go hmmm

  • Lord-Quad

    Another point that I noticed is that if a family member is sick and in the hospital, even though they were active witnesses, the meeting came first, before visiting them in the hospital! Its like choose, meeting=key to everlasting life, or visit relative=you'll miss valuable information which can give you ever lasting life!

    Only thing is, all information at the meetings were nothing more then a repeat of meetings from years past. Same ole song, like a broken record playing over and over again! "Its time for a new song".

  • smellsgood

    "Another point that I noticed is that if a family member ; is sick and in the hospital, even though they were active witnesses, the meeting came first, before visiting them in the hospital! ; Its like choose, meeting=key to everlasting life, or visit relative=you'll miss valuable information which can give you ever lasting life!"
    smellsgood: That is excessively compulsory.
    "your father is in hospital after suffering a massive coronary,,,so hurry up now, get your sensible skirt on, the meeting starts in 15 minutes! What would Jehovah think if we were to miss the spiritual banquet on a night like this?"
    You know, I grew up in what is known as a "parsonage" they are built for pastors, though neither my mum or dad was one. Its just the house was so shabby, the pastors passed on it. So literally we were twenty feet away from a church.
    I remember cleaning it, but honestly my family were certainly the most irregular in attendance. Imagine that..

    I think the JW's are taught to be scared in their little scared bubble. Once your bubble bursts, you aren't afeared of the outside or others bubbles, out their yonder bubble...


  • SPAZnik

    what parakeet said.

  • SirNose586

    "If their faith is so strong, why all the paranoia?

    Do you fear the JW's now as much as you feared the apostates when you were a JW?"

    Nothing is ever good enough. If you proclaim that you have faith, you'll be busted down for pride, and lack of humility. 'No friend, you need to keep working on that ship of faith, constantly. Don't stop studying the books and Watchtowers. Have the stuff coursing through your veins, and keep coming to the meetings.' What Parakeet said was right on the money: contradictory thoughts spoil the brainwashing process.
    And apostates? Wow, I mean, the way it was told me, you'd be in better shape meeting up with a mugger or a killer. God help you if you run into an apostate!! Because they are bitter, and they'll destroy your faith!!!
    I couldn't bear to even look at the guys walking around the stadium with little tracts with the cross and crown on them, a few years ago. But even then, it was a real aspect of the WTS past.
    Last convention, there was a single guy standing there with changing signs. Whenever I was walking by myself, I'd read his signs in passing. How I wanted to go up to him and chat him up...

  • Romano

    I just feel so sad for the young ones that have their whole lives ahead of them and they are wasting it away becuz of this 'rule'. Of course they dont want them to associate with others, cuz they might learn the real 'truth', that its all a scam. It's taken 18yrs and a lot of therapy to completely feel free and grateful. I used to think, I would never raise my children without being a JW. After they put my daughter in my arms the first thing I thought, was 'there is no way I will ever let her be raised like I was, I love her too much'. Thank god, ala, budda or the buggy man for life. Isnt life about learning about all other beliefs, faiths, people and ideas. I hope all of the good in all of them rubb off on me and make me a better person-regarless of what they are. I will never be afraid again.


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