The August 2006 Awake, makes the claim that there is NO benefit to blood transfusion except in trauma, according to PRoffessor Bruce Spiess:
There are few if any (medical) articles that supposrt transfusion actually improving outcome." In fact, he writes that many transufusions 'may do more harm than good in virtually every instance except trauma,' increasing 'the risk of pneumonia, infections, heart attacks and strokes.'
On the next page, an interesting paragraph, and a quote from an unnamed source:
'In truth, more than a few health care workers express themselves as did one hematologist, who told Awake, 'We transfusion medicine specialists do not like to get or to give blood.' If this is the feeling among some well trained individuals in the medical community, how should patients feel?'
I also found disturbing, and wonder what the purpose was of having five lovely little children, aged about 7, photographed on page ten, above the title, The Real Value of Blood. Why the pictures of five children in what is a chapter on the WTBTS view of not accepting blood?
On the opposite page, was the article on What are Hemoglobing Based Oxygen Carriers?
Though, not for one minute, do I believe that there are not risks in blood, I found the article hysterical in its fear of disease, and threatening in that it was producing the possibility in peoples minds that new diseases could well be in store in blood, as serious as AIDS, and the possibility that these have not yet been discovered. It was a very fear ful article. It caused me to think of the number of people I know now, who have had blood transfusion in emergencys and are alive and well 10, 15, 20, 30 + years later.