Here pulling out here hair. Hm, that's definitely a possibility. Yeah, LDH, I called the doctor yesterday and they just called me back a few minutes ago, We got her in for 10:15. I have noticed it for, I guess, a couple of months, maybe more. But I don't think I thought much about it. After we got home from the Special Olympics, I noticed a ton of hair on her bed one morning before school. That's when I finally pointed it out to my husband. Since then we've been watching it. There was one time that I KNOW she had scissors and caught her clipping. But it didn't result in this. Other then that, she hasn't really had the scissors available to her like that without us knowing.
Her pulling her hair out is always possible for sure. How do you figure that one out though?
All the responses have been excellent. I have a better idea of what alopecia is. And yeah, I did look it up on web md. But reading all the various possibilites and the info on alopeica itself, AND the reminders about thyroid, stress and other disorders has given me stuff to go off of with the doc. The DS link is excellent.
Some years back when she was first born I used to be on a discussion board for Down Syndrome parents. I think I'm going to see if I can find it again. It just has seemed like many of the concerns that most DS parents have, we don't share. So I've lost touch with alot of things. Looks like I gotta get back in the swing of stuff.
Thanks for all the replies, thank you looking glass and Thanks Damsel for that link. I am going to read that as well before I go.
I'll keep ya posted. Either way, I really don't think it's 'serious' I just want to know what we're up against. She's not the kind of kid to care about her hair. She doesn't get all freaky about things like that. To her it would be not a big deal. If it all fell out she would probably Love to not have us washing her hair, lol.