If there is someone whom is a long time JW, how do you bring him back into reality or is that possible? How do you make them reflect that it is possible that they are wrong about the Bible Track Society? Anything you say they alway twist it around anyways with their prepared answers.
When trying to talk to a JW what is the best method?
by omerp 32 Replies latest jw friends
You could have never convinced me of that.
Their minds are numb and they can't see even obvious flaws in their org, I would say the failed predictions and the losses suffered by many of those that took them seriously are a good point.
Also the inability of their leaders to produce a stable doctrine even after 120 years is very telling. These are people supposedly appointed by God to produce true doctrine and are inspired by Him. -
Work methodically and logically. Points that hit home are lack of love, exposing worse than Pharisaical rules, superior attitudes that certain JWs express, flip flops, and chronological/prophetic nonsense. My biggest issue that no JW can adequately explain is the "Slave". Just remember, don't beat a JW over the head in one sitting. Do it slowly, gradually. Eventually they might see that their brain hurts because of your exposition of the facts.
the dreamer dreaming
a ballpeen hammer comes to mind (^_^)
I think they see the flaws, but they just dismiss them in their minds. That's what I did.
It took me more than 5 years to fully grasp the "Generation" change and what that meant for me, my family, and the rest of my life.
I mean, if you remember that particular W.T. study, in my hall anyway, it was "new light, no biggie".
So facing that type of mind set, with that reaction for such a huge adjustment, is a VERY TALL ORDER.
So what is the "best method"? Can you lead someone to self- realization? I don't know.
When trying to talk to a JW what is the best method?
Working methodically and logically, tie them up with some heavy rope around the ankles and then around the chair legs, arms behind their backs. Place heavy-duty duct-tape over their mouths. Allow reasonable bathroom breaks, but they should bring their own food in a paper bag, an NO SEAT SAVING!
You may them proceed with the other excellent suggestions here.
It is a cult and mind control problem.... it is not a matter of what they believe, rather how they behave.
Learn about cults, then learn about the wt.
Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steven Hassan is the best book I have read on the subject.
Best of luck!
If ya find a Witness like my dad, they aren't interested in "truth", or "facts". I played my dad a part of the Charles Sunutko tape and his "Stay alive till '75" hype. My dad said: "I've got a hundred tapes like that in my back room. So what?".
I said, That tape contains a false prophecy. He said, "I don't care, it's still the best way to live.".
He's got a hundred Jehovah's Witness false prophets on tape and he doesn't care, he LIKES being a Witness.
My friend has a dog that runs around the yard and eats shit. I asked him why the dog did that, and he said, "Because he likes the taste of shit.".
http://www.freeminds.org/wav/wav.htm -
drew sagan
If what they do is "Bible Study" then....
How could they spend 4:30 hours per week at 'Bible Study Meetings' and walk away thinking they need more study.
How can they say they study the Bible when the most they read only the Bible as a group is 3 minutes each week.
Why so little for the Bible but hours word for word in Watchtower publications. What is more imporant, the Bible word for word or the Watchtower word for word????
Why do they not produce a Bible commentary with verse by verse explanations instead of choosing what they want to discuss all the time?