L. And just refresh my memory, is there any belief or has the doctrine of the
organization changed, such that at one time they were spirit-inspired but are no
longer? In other words, what I'm trying to get at, is this something that you will
expect to see a repeat or a pattern of?
B. No.
L. Based on the fact that these are just human beings serving in a voluntary
B. This is exactly how we feel. In other words, there is no Jeremiah, Isaiah, or
prophet among us today. No one is inspired. They're diligent students of the Bible,
of the Scriptures, they look to God to provide the guidance as they read and explain
the Scriptures.
L. So neither the volunteer workers nor the leadership itself of the Jehovah's
Witness church professes to be spirit-inspired or directed or what not?
B. No, no, we don't have anybody that expects that.