Can you admit that you "used to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses"?

by undercover 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    I was reading about minimus' trip to the hospital and his telling them that he "used to be a JW" but he would take blood now if needed.

    It got me to thinking; I don't like telling people that I used to be a JW. That's in my past and I prefer to keep it there. If asked about my upbringing or religious preference, I usually just comment on being brought up in a strict religion but I got over it..and then try to change the subject. If I have a medical procedure, I list myself as "no religion" so as to not have to get into any specifics with medical personel.

    What about ya'll? Do you like admitting that you used to be a JW?

  • BizzyBee
    I usually just comment on being brought up in a strict religion

    Likewise. I am embarrassed to have ever been a Dub. Sometimes, however, it is hard to explain the first 23 years of my life and some of my choices without mentioning JWs.

  • minimus

    UC, it actually was very liberating! Plus the nurse asked if I needed to be educated about health proxies and that's when I said what I said about having been a JW in the past. ....I have had some conversations with a few and slipped in that I was at one time a JW and they always can't believe it! More than a few "worldly" people couldn't believe I was a Witness, even when I was an elder.

  • mouthy

    Every where I meet people I tell them I used to be a JW.... I have earned money for doing it. People always want you to speak at Their Church.... Reformed, Salvation Army, Baptist, Catholic,Penticostal, United, Sally Jessie Rapheal, Shirley Show, Roughcuts.... Hey if I slaved for the Watchtower. Why not NOW let it pay off.

  • undercover
    it is hard to explain the first 23 years of my life

    You're lucky...try explaining away 40 years...LOL

  • minimus

    Mouthy, are you an apostate whore?? Only kidding, darlin'. Good for you!

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    Mixed feelings - mostly embarrassed and try to avoid it, but like bizzybee sometimes it's not possible not to bring it up, because otherwise I look like a weirdo for some choices I made - but when they are put into JW context it makes more sense to people. Also like minimus sometimes I'm proud to say I walked away from it, hopefully as a testament that it's good to walk away from it.

  • Finally-Free

    I have told people a few times, but it isn't easy. It's especially difficult to tell people I joined the cult when I was an adult. When you're raised in it at least you can blame your parents. I have no such excuse. I don't offer that information to anyone unless it's necessary, and it rarely is.


  • minimus

    I like telling people I was a Witness while at strip clubs.

  • mouthy

    Mouthy, are you an apostate whore?? Only kidding, darlin'. Good for you! You bet your cotton socks I am!!!! didnt you see me riding on the Back of the Beast!!! ( Oh no that was an elder ) excuse me ....I transgress...

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