Does anyone have a larger picture of the May 22, 1994 Awake?
by jayhawk1 19 Replies latest jw friends
Yea baby! Thanks!
Is there anybody who happens to have the whole article too? I wish I still had all my old literature. The more I look at this cover, the angrier I am getting. This will be the best speech I have ever given!
You could download it to a disk and take to a photo kiosque and have them enlarge it for you and print it out to poster size if you want.
I had some near death experiences because of the jw blood rule. I have a severe bleeding disorder. You can interview me if you want.
Here are some other references for you:
Brochure: JWs and Their Beliefs about Blood. Examines JW teachings about blood over history and identifies many inconsistencies. Contains a long list of WT literature citations. 4-page foldable color brochure suitable for printing on 2 sides of 8.5" x 11" paper.
AJWRB Brochures. This links you to the Associated JWs for Reform on Blood (AJWRB) web site where they provide free printable brochures about the blood issue, suitable for distribution to physicians and most audiences. Consider mailing the physician brochure to your local hospital's Chief of Anesthesia, Chief of Surgery, and/or Chief of Emergency Medicine.
Here is the article in one nice-neat PDF:
I linked your compilation at to my page at
Incidentally, the girl with brown hair on the red background appeared in a Young People Ask later that year. I think the cover gives the impression that all the kids died for the WTS (a sort of peer pressure by saying "*All* these put God first, so you had better!"), but at least *one* didn't - unless they recycled a dead lass's pic for the later article.
The more I look into this article and associated WT articles on vaccinations and transplants, the more it turns my stomach that I was ever associated with this this organisation.
After reading one article in Awake I felt physically sick.
I`m sorry but they are mind perverted, evil, murdering bastards.