I don't remember my last regular meeting...it was early 1994 sometime. But, I went to the Memorial in 1996 because my mom begged me and kept telling me how everyone always asked about me. I was about to leave for Germany, so I went. Since I had stopped attending, I had gotten married and had a child; my husband joined the Army.
My mom never told most people in the congregation about my son, but I didn't know this. So, I walked in to the Hall and I wasn't shunned (never was dunked) ...but everyone did their fake welcomes and wanted to know about this baby I had with me. I told them he was mine, and I guess I satisfied their curiousities because after the Memorial that night no one spoke to me as my mom chattered with everyone in attendance it seemed. My son was crying because he was tired and yet she still kept talking. I was steaming that she never told her 'friends' about her first grandchild and that she didn't get the hint that we needed to go because it was so late.
I drove her once to the hall a few years later because there were snow flurries and my non-JW dad told her she couldn't take the car out in that weather. She used to drive another older sister to the hall who I had always liked, so I agreed to take them and pick them up, but I did not stay. A few people came out afterwards to say hello to me and see my boys.