I agree with ConfusedJw.
By the way how are you feeling?
Now this is weird, update on family stuff
by BlackSwan of Memphis 12 Replies latest jw friends
Nathan Natas
. . . and send her a gift.
. . .and what better gift could you send than a subscription to AWAKE! magazine! The perfect gift for a young family starting out concerned about their everlasting well-being!
BlackSwan of Memphis
Nathan: You are too funny. If they only Did subscriptions anymore! Besides they would probably have that covered for next 25 yrs of their marriage.
Soledad: I'm feeling good, a little annoyed because last night after I posted here I ended up crashing on the couch and just thinking. My family is Not telling people I da'ed. People just don't know. My husband seems to think it might be because they couldn't respond to my letter in the first place because there wasn't much of a defense on their part and if they tell people I da'ed they wouldn't know where to start. (Does that make sense to you? It doesn't to me) But this is weird. Thanks for asking how I'm doing . I do have to admit, I was a bit stressed last night. But I'm dealing.
Restrangled: You know, I'm serious ya gotta know this girl. She is really not like that. In fact if you knew the whole family, you'd be amazed. They're like the Wilders. You remember that show about Laura Ingalls Wilder? Yeah, well, that's them Right down to a tee. Seriously. They live on mega acreage. They do their own huntin' and everything. They're quiet, kind, considerate. They're well, nice. So, I honestly can't see them doing that. I thought so myself at first up until last night and looking at the whole picture. They honestly don't know. On top of that, they invited me to a shower that will be 99.9% jw. They strictly cannot invite me to that shower and they would not if they knew. BUT you are right in that if they saw me on the street and knew I was gone, no way would they talk to me. Very zealous.
Still, yes, I will send the gift. Because I've watched this girl grow up. She is a lovely young lady and I truly wish her all the best. I'll send her a gift for the wedding. But after the wedding, I will send her mom and dad a letter explaining things along with a copy of my da letter. I'll wish them the best and what not. And it will be finished.
I also think that this fall I am going to consider sending my da letter to various friends that I had in the cong and in other congregations. With a personal note. And explain that I was not disfellowshipped, but left of my own accord for the reasons set out in my letter.
I am pretty certain that most people, including certain family, have no clue about my da'ing myself. I really think they all believe I was df'ed for some offense, and they are waiting for my return.
This should be interesting. I'm not positive I'm going to do this, but I'm getting concerned what people might be thinking about me as a person. While part of me says I should not care. These are people that I cared greatly for, people that I knew most of if not all of my life and well, in all my human faltering, I care. I want to set the record straight.
Oh, boy. Always something, right?