believe that Gods name is Jehovah? Do you still use it as his name?
do you?
by purplebunnyfoofoo 33 Replies latest jw friends
NO on both counts.
Yes-I grew up with the King James Bible. In the Baptist hymnal, there is a song, "Guide Me Oh Thou Great Jehovah." This pronounciation has been in use for an extremely long time. I knew this before I ever became involved with the witnesses. (That is why I can use the small w but not the lower case j when referring to Jw's)
Those who do not obey the words in the Bible, and treat their fellow man with contempt and no mercy, such as many in watch tower organization, do not change the words of the Bible. They merely show that they are like the Pharisees of Jesus' day.
Yes, I do believe God's name is Jehovah. Do I use it? Sometimes. What I find interesting, is the way my husband uses it when he says a blessing at dinner, sometimes. He REALLY dislikes the witnesses.
I think that it is... But I also think it is one of many names for God... I'm a bit hazy on it though.
First, it would be necessary to believe in a personal God. Since I don't, the question doesn't apply. However, I do use the name when discussing the JWs' arrogant, spiteful, little deity.
The only god I worship is IP_SEC's belly. All others are null and void.
Those who do not obey the words in the Bible, and treat their fellow man with contempt and no mercy
WRONG! Some people treat others with mercy and respect inspite of the bible.
(That is why I can use the small w but not the lower case j when referring to Jw's)
You can do what you want but Jehovah's Witnesses would be a proper name therefore both J and W should be caps.
No, and hell no.
no, i dont believe in the god of the bible. but, do i think jehovah is the name given as god's by the jews of 6000 years ago? yes and no. i think it was pronounced differently. yah-weh or ya-hoo.