I am a little bit confused.

by Stealth453 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stealth453

    JR Brown said in response to this question, "So neither the volunteer workers nor the leadership itself of the Jehovah'w Witness church professes to be spirit-inspired or directed or what not?", "No, no, we don't have anybody that expects that".

    Yet, one of the 2 pre baptism questions is;

    Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit directed organization? Having answered yes to these questions, candidates are in a right heart condition to undergo Christian baptism.

    Is this not contradictory?

  • AudeSapere

    Sounds like a blatant contradiction to me.

    Also sounds like someone is a bold-faced liar...


  • free2beme

    When trying to explain the unexplainable nonsense of the Witnesses, you will either just reinforce the idea that they are full of it or have a nervous breakdown trying to wrap your mind around it.

  • parakeet

    Brown was using the "what not" defense against the onslaught of probing questions. It's similar to the Twinkie defense, except that instead of sugar making you say things you shouldn't, it's meaningless phrases. He should be convicted of causing confusion in a public forum. The fact that he was catatonic at the time is no defense.

  • anewme

    When you are being indoctrinated into any exclusive organization, there is an initial welcoming campaign.
    The information shared about the org and how it views itself can be very different than the info and pressure later to view it as something greater with more power over the lives of its members than ever imagined!

    The JWs present themselves to the worldly public in a far different light than they really believe themselves to be in.

  • Stealth453

    I'm sorry, now I am really confused.

  • willy_think

    This is the same thing the Catholics say. The people are the imperfect part of gods perfect origination. Get it now? The WTB&TS is Gods spirit directed origination, but no person involved in the org is spirit directed. Simple.

  • Stealth453

    Now I get it. It's like this...yes is no, no is might be, maybe is for sure as long as the big hand is on the 2, light is bright, and sometimes it's not, but that is only because tomorrow is 2 days after yesterday, and yellow picket fences make shitty sling-shots.

    I love it as the light gets brighter. hehe

  • cyberguy

    Stealth453, you are NOT confused! JR Brown lied! (Or rather, he spun the JW “truth” so hard that it ended-up as truth.) Yes their baptism question belies the real “truth” behind their “organization.”

  • Stealth453

    their baptism question belies the real “truth” behind their “organization.”

    So true. My original post was in fact, tongue in cheek, but what you say is the truth.



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