Ok, so I got in a fight with my brother today. I was so upset. Well my mom called and while I was upset I blurted out a comment on how easy it is for people in our family to cut people off. There is no forgiving, that is no understanding, but just a lot of self righteous condescending bullshit. (Yeah I said Bullshit, with a capital B)
I then proceeded to let her know how crazy it is that the whole religion of JW's just slices up families and teaches such a warped way to handle your problems. If you don't like someone....cut them off.
She asked me what I meant with a protective panic in her voice. I asked her just matter of factly, how in the world did she decide to become a Jehovahs Witness. I mentioned that she had to have been something else before. Wasn't she a Baptist before?
Well that left me open to a preaching episode. (I should have stopped while I was ahead..) I heard how she had been so immoral and how blah blah and Jah blah Blah and ...well you get the picture.
So after a good amount of listening quietly, I did it. I asked her how she could follow someone who was into pyramid worship, and how could she stay a JW when obviously Jesus did not take over in 1914? She then gave me the time, time and half a time speech...
I said ok, skip past the date. How can you baptise anyone at age 15 and knowing they will more than likely fail set them up to not be a member of the family anymore. She then told me that SHE DID NOT WANT THE BROTHERS TO BAPTIZE ME. Well that was a new one. I did not know what to think, but it kind of made me sad that despite her telling them that I was not ready at 14 years of age...that they still did. This was my parent telling them this. So I got baptised, went to serve where the "need was great". and came back to a mother DF'ed (she now is reinstated) and moved out all between March and June of the same year. I was not even 15, and I moved out.
She did not answer how could they let me, or do it against her will...just that she did not want me to be baptised. When I said they split up families she really got upset and I had to tell her to forget I asked anything. That I was just upset and just let out what I normally keep to myself. I tried to fix it and just let her know that I am sure everyone would say I was apostate by my asking these things, but that if the definition of an apostate was just a person that left the religion they were in...then that is not so bad to be. Besides I said to her, I don't even believe in god. That I have no faith.
Her answer was just this.
"Well Honey have you prayed on this?" Parents just do not get it sometimes. She missed it completely. I said to her between laughing something about how do I pray to something that I don't believe in? She then said how much I must be hurting and that she feels so much pity for me. So I told her that as much pity as she felt for me, I felt the same and more because she still believed in it. Also, she was an adult when she chose this. I never really had a choice.
So she let me know that I was just angry at choices I made. I let her know that that was not really it. I was just mad that I was put into a religion that let kids make decisions at such ages that they don't understand, and how even if I believed in Jesus...he would have been a perfect...A PERFECT MAN...and he waited till 30. So how in the world was I sopposed to figure out something a perfect man avoided till 30 and some? I told her I could be 70 and still would not have the smarts a 30 year old perfect man had...
She really started to get upset, so I told her that I was sorry and just forget I said anything. That I normally keep this all to myself and discuss it with people I know that have left also. I was sure it hurt her concience and that I would stop. Just forget I said anything.
So, then I mentioned my graduation party and that I heard she wanted to come for a bit. Well she actually still wanted to when I told her a lot of EX-JW's were to be there.
She said that she was not going to pull out a Bible and they were not going to Tell her that they were not JW's anymore, so she did not see a problem with coming to the party no matter who all is there. You could have pushed me over with a feather.
I tell you what, if you show up for my party on the 28th...don't tell my mom you are an apostate. Jus for the sake of peace...please? lol BUT I am Serious. It is a HUGE thing for her to go, and I think she should enjoy her hour that she comes.
Thanks guys.
Now what do you think?
Oh, and somewhere in there she mentioned how awful it was when she watched TV and saw someone who had a family member killed and they got up on the stand and professed to be Christian and forgave the murderer making sure everyone heard how thay were Christian. She said nobody has to forgive that..How nobody is expected to be made to forgive someone for something like that when they are JW's...
Whoa...I said, people are told to forgive my OTHER brother and he molested children. They have to sit in the hall and be a BROTHER OR SISTER to this child molester. they have to smile if he comes to a picnic, and they have to go preach to people and sit with him for conventions. She did not really answer me, but she let me know that in a few minutes how easy you can tell how warped he is.
I say avoidance. Avoidance, avoidance. I spend my life avoiding speaking my mind to my family because they cannot handle the truth.
Errr....it just burns me up at times.
So now, what do you think?