I was a "true believer" so of course I never faked hours. The worst I ever did was round up to the nearest hour at the end of the month.
I grew up in a congregation of old timers, who counted their time by the minute. I'm Not kidding. When I helped count the time at the end of the month half of the totals on the time slips would look like this:
15 hrs 47 min. or 11:18 or for some elderly ones, 52 minutes.
There was one sister (my grandmother) who would not start her time until she herself talked to a human at the door (she did not start her time if her first door was a not at home). She would stop her time at break, and wouldn't restart it until she talked to someone again. She was quite vocal about how others counted time.
Of course, we didn't hear any of those comments anymore, once she started pioneering after she retired.