you might get a kick out of this....
I wish I'd apologized ahead of time tho (making mental note if there is a next time)
I got 2 lovely ladies at the door this afternoon!
I answered...."I thought I was on the do not call list?"
Lady #1 - Oh?
Me - Yea, because some of the things I have to say scare you guys away!
L - oh? smile - We're in the neighborhood to invite you to...
Me - that thing? I thought that was a couple of weeks ago? hmm next week eh? Well, I don't really agree with alot of what they'd be talkin about.
L - what do you mean
Me - Well, that one talk "Stagger to the Slaughter" - thats an intriguing title isn't it!
Lady # 2 - Oh yes, that was a very uplifting talk
Me - You've got to be kidding "STAGGERING TO THE SLAUGHTER?"
all eyes are darting now.
I made a few comments about the df'g policies & asked if she new anyone in that state.
L - Oh yes my daughter
I immediately sympathized with her - how terrible that must be for you to not be able to see her, talk to her.
She right away corrected me - they can talk if there's family business
Me - Oh, like a wedding?
L - well, no.... if you understood Jehovah's discipline you'd know.... - like a child, you must ...
(my daughter heard this - "yea mom - I'm grounded right now I'm cut off"
yes dear, but I'd never turn my back on you for anything, you are still 100 % in this family, sharing, eating, all of it - this is different.
L - we all want to be in paradise like the bible says (or something like that - shows the happy pic at the bottom of "deliverence' paper)
Me - this bible? pointing to her NWT - its not even written to you - its for the annointed
L - ...the other sheep - we benefit
Me - you mean the Gentiles - the other sheep
L - shows paper again reeling a bit now
I went in for the "when a loved one Leaves Jehovah" article - looking for the moses paragraph
cause we got into the df'g arrangement again. How the elders decide if someone can be saved, i.e. come back
she said no it was jehovah
I asked thru the elders? They are the ones that make you sit in the back for months - they do all the secret deciding
no - holy spirit
everyone has it if they pray for it
WHAT? I asked? I thought only the annointed are led by the spirit
(she also said she's been in JC comm. before and could bring in whoever she wanted
I asked her if that was really true - no answer
I asked her if she knew who J.R.Brown was.
told her who he was and what he'd said
she wanted to know if it was something i read.
I said No, I'd heard the taped conversation - no one affiliated with the WT is inspired or SPIRIT DIRECTED
well - that couldn't be - then she used the words Faithful & Discreet slave to me - an ordinary householder YIKKES
I told her Brown was responding to a reporter about the guy from Wakill arrested for child pornography.
they started backing away.
I got kind of PO'd - you guys always take off whenever you run into someone who knows the truth about the truth.
She said not true - they just had to finish delivering the invites.
I said - You're not serious!
I spouted off a few more things as they were walking away - then invited them back anytime.
whew - Heart rate increased quite a bit - nothing like I'd experienced in the past tho, then after they left I calmed right down - did a bunch of house work, and then laughed about it with a friend.
Before I'd shake for about an hour. I might be cured! or on my way!
Hey I just realized - she never even gave me one!
will power