Are high gas prices affecting Pioneers?

by truthseeker 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    Gas prices have finally broken through the $3 mark.

    I have heard a few complaints about the cost of gas having an impact on people's budgets - especially if they pioneer.

    It gets worse for those pioneers who drive an SUV.

    Have you heard similar comments? Could the pioneer numbers be affected by the price of gas?

  • JH

    Many JW's aren't rich.....and it must hurt them a lot.

    Probably other riding in the car will dish out more to compensate.

    But I don' t think that will stop them. They slowed down preaching around here since years, even before gas prices went up...

  • JH

    On the contrary, here I noticed that brothers and sisters have a higher level of life than years ago.....Is that

    By that I mean, years ago, many had old cars, and today the majority have new cars with AC and more. They seem much better off financially. Maybe the poor JW's couldn't follow the pace and left....

  • blondie

    Pioneers who can afford an SUV???????? I guess they can afford the gas too.

    Poor pioneers have learned how to conserve. They take turns using each other's cars. If not, they are more likely to offer gas money. I found the older sisters on fixed incomes were always trying to give me gas money.

    You can always hole up on an RV that likes to give up tea or coffee, or lemonade and chat for a couple of hours.

    Or you end up what the rest of humanity has to do, borrow from Peter to pay Paul. I guess there will be less money for the frivolities of life. ()

  • Stealth453

    Sure Hope So!!!!

  • stillajwexelder

    Well enough that we have had a local needs item on helping the pioneers by "driving them to territory in our vehicles and not expecting a gas donation"

  • spoils_useful_habits

    Didn't you know the high gas prices are a direct assault by Satan on God's people? Satan will eventually make the price of gas so high that pioneers will not be able to preach(in the donut shop) and proclaim the good news('big gulp'and lotto tickets at 7-11). Oh God how will your word ever reach these poor worldly souls? lol.

  • ocsrf

    What it probably will do is: curtail the driving across the territory for one call and than back to other side. I remember doing alot of driving like that years ago and didn't give it much thought and didn't really worry about the time it ate up.


  • cyberguy

    I believe the hight cost of doing "field service" will drive many to report more than the usual number of fake hours! I know of JW's in my area who are complaining about the high cost of travel to/from the KH, let alone weekly "field service." Hopefully this cuts down some of the weekly dose of "spiritual food," enough to let honest hearted ones to break free!

  • undercover
    Are high gas prices affecting Pioneers?

    They're affecting the publishers that have to cart them around is more like it.

    Well enough that we have had a local needs item on helping the pioneers by "driving them to territory in our vehicles and not expecting a gas donation"

    We used to get that counsel back when gas was cheap cheap. Us 'regular publishers' were supposed to be happy to drive pioneers around all day and not expect any gas money in exchange.

    To be honest, I didn't mind driving in service...because most JWs can't drive worth a shit and I felt more comfortable knowing that I was in charge of the wheel instead of Brother Reading the Territory Map as We're Running Off the Road.

    But there was always one or two pioneers who took the privilege of the riding in service for free to a new level. They would always ask if the driver "could take a short detour" to pick up something for them or if, after service, the driver could carry them to a store "nearby". Usually, "short detour" or "nearby" was way out of the way. But, most publishers were too meek to balk at the request. They were afraid that they would be viewed as not wanting to support the pioneer work, so they caved and drove em around all over the place.

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