"Frequently the really spiritual jws were not invited b/c, well, they would have ratted them out."
Yup. A few conventions ago we had a needs part on the "problem with Doubles." The brother mentioned a group of (I'm guessing) ex-jws who called themselves "Doubles," for living a double-life. I had heard no such thing before, but regarded it as truth so I listened intently. Apparently they would have parties and then determine if someone was a "Double," whereby they could gain access to the real party where there was booze, sex, drugs, rock 'n roll, etc.
A few weeks after I heard it, everyone I talked to had heard no such thing either, so it was probably fake or just a local problem in one congregation. There is a grain of truth to it though: "Super Sisters" and other pioneers--usually one in the same--will all be at one type of gathering and then the "cool" people will be at other ones. And ne'er shall the twain meet at the same gathering unless it is a big congregation picnic.
I know what everyone's talking about though. When it's a "Super Sister" friendly gathering, someone will bust out a ukelele or accordion and start to yodel org songs. Then comes the Bible charades, or the Bible wordsearch, or the popular Bible games!
I go to those parties to keep up appearances, but know better than to stick around after the food is served.