Weren't they sickening?? Always trying to curry favor with the elders and Circuit Overseers. Most of those that could never quite make the grade couldn't for a reason. They were arrogant and perhaps power hungry. They had attitudes----thinking they really were better than the others......Of course, some eventually did become "servants" because there really wasn't anyone else to pass microphones, do the accounts or take the lead in the ministry.
Did You Know Elder & M.S. Wannabees?
by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends
Actually, I can understand why some brothers felt they needed to have a “position.” It was more difficult to judge a woman’s “spirituality” because except for being an auxiliary or regular pioneer, there were no privileges directly attached to being a woman. Indirectly by being an elder’s daughter, wife, mother, sister, aunt, etc.
Oh boy...I bet we all did.
I remember that we used to pin the nickname of F.E. on anyone who, in our eyes, was trying to hard to become an elder. F.E. = Future Elder. It was considered a derogotory term and if you were ever called that, you denied it vehemently.
The ones I knew wanted be eldesr or MS but were not prepared to put the Field Service hours in
Funny how some men never made the cut because of their wife or children. The worst judges got their's when their kids grew up or their wives decided to "rebel".
Oh YEAAH! There was one very vocal, very obvious, bum-smooching bro in a cong who once wasted no time giving comments during this Watchtower study some years back. We were considering one of those "appreciating your shepherds" article and it made some point about elders deserving double honor. Bro. BumKiss just had to add to those paragraphs, blurting in this pseudo-naive, ultra-humble voice, saying that elders deserved "not just double honor but three-fold and four-fold honor" for all the sacrifices in teaching and shepherding the congregation.
Bro. BumKiss was quite a character.
There were 2 guys in my kh that were desperate to be appointed. They would volunteer for anything - microphone carrying, hall cleaning, keeping the kh car park tidy, going to the outer limits of the fs territory, you name it, they volunteered, but it didn't work, or at least, it hadn't when I left, as neither had at that time been appointed. I really don't know why. but maybe it was because they liked other jws to know how much they were doing. They were never slow to relate all the things they were achieving in the fs, though, as far as I know, no one came in because of it, and they certainly made sure the rest of us knew just how good they were as jws, not humble enough perhaps.
The Lone Ranger
Interesting comments, I heard of one new comer to stay for a while, but he left, never baptized, he told someone that he could see that in the JW church people, guys mostly, join the church in a hope to find success, to get a position, whereby in the outside world they weren’t a success, and not just to be good Christians to each other. After thinking about it, I could see he was right.
It was while I still was a believer that I realised that could never be an elder myself, or if I did make it that far I wouldn’t last long as one, I could see to be a ‘good’ elder you have to sell your integrity, which I never could, I would always speak off any injustices that I saw, it got be into trouble at times.
Weren't they sickening?? Always trying to curry favor with the elders and Circuit Overseers. Most of those that could never quite make the grade couldn't for a reason. They were arrogant and perhaps power hungry. They had attitudes----thinking they really were better than the others......Of course, some eventually did become "servants" because there really wasn't anyone else to pass microphones, do the accounts or take the lead in the ministry.
Funny. This is an excellent description of most of the elders I knew. For the most part they were the most utterly stupid people I ever met. They had the haughtiest attitudes, and the least justification for it. They sought power in the congregations because they were too shiftless to earn it in the real world. They quick to demand respect, but slow to earn it. If you want to find a real man in a kingdom hall look for someone without a title. He won't kiss the asses of his inferiors, and the elders are too cowardly to ever recommend such a man for appointment. W
I think it's just swell how the cong benefits from the eager beavers' efforts. "hall cleaning, keeping the kh car park tidy"
Bro. BumKiss was more conniving. He wouldn't sully his hands with menial jobs. That means no washing of toilets, no volunteering for pre-cleaning of assembly hall. Also he wouldn't touch jobs that cannot be performed in full view of the cong. So no parking attendant duties, no cong accounts (he did it once for experience, but didn't remain accounts servant which was good for the cong cos when he was in charge we kept running in the red!! we suspected incompetence instead of dishonesty).
BumKiss and his siblings loved carrying the microphones, lived for anything that could be performed on stage, giving comments that induced barfing and socialising with all the right people (complimenting speakers) immediately after meetings/assemblies (duties take second priority).